Fruits of juniper - medicinal properties

Juniper is a tree or shrub (depending on the variety), which has fruits in the form of cones, in which a large number of many useful substances:

Since ancient times, these pine-berries are used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. The spectrum of medicinal properties is very extensive. And this is based on the use of only juniper fruits, not to mention their addition to all sorts of gatherings.

Useful properties of juniper fruit

These fruits are used in the form of infusions and broths for a variety of therapeutic purposes.

Disinfectant, diuretic, expectorant

Fruits are also used as a means to improve digestion and appetite. For all this you can use both pure juice of berries, and their broth. If you use juice, then you need to add honey in equal proportions and take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.


In this case, it is recommended to take a juniper bath. For this:

  1. A handful of fruit should be poured in three liters of water and boiled for half an hour.
  2. This infusion pour into the bathroom and add warm water.
  3. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes.

To fight warts

In this case, a simple recipe with the participation of juniper fruits is used:

  1. Shredded pine cones are mixed in equal proportion with vegetable oil.
  2. Place this mixture in a sealed vessel and stand on a water bath for an hour.
  3. Then they filter through gauze.
  4. Lubricate the substance obtained with the substance and seal this place overnight with adhesive tape.

Treatment of skin diseases

Use the medicinal properties of juniper fruit and to get rid of dermatitis and scabies . In Central Asia with their help even healed festering wounds, imposing on them bandages, impregnated with juniper juice.