Gastroduodenitis - treatment with folk remedies

Pain in the stomach, nausea after eating, constipation and diarrhea, fatigue are the main symptoms of this disease. In the event that you experience them regularly, it is worthwhile to see a doctor who can make an accurate diagnosis. If you have gastroduodenitis, do not worry, treatment with folk remedies will help to remove unpleasant symptoms and get rid of the pain.

How to treat gastroduodenitis with folk remedies?

In order to quickly correct the situation, and not to suffer more from the manifestations of this disease, try to use the most effective folk remedies for the treatment of gastroduodenitis , they include:

  1. Mint broth . Take 100 g of dry grass, pour it 500 ml of boiling water and insist the composition in the thermos for 12 hours. In the morning, drink half a glass of decoction before eating, it will help to cope with nausea and pain, if the remedy helps, but by the evening you begin to feel familiar symptoms, use another half cup of the mixture half an hour before dinner.
  2. Alcohol tincture with celandine . Take 1 part of the grass and fill it with 3 parts of good vodka. For 2 weeks, insist the composition in a dark and cool place, after this time, start taking the remedy. On the first day, you need to drink 5 drops of tincture before meals, on the second day, increase the dose by 1 drop. Every day you will need to use tincture, increasing its amount by exactly 1 drop per day, so it is done until the day when the dose becomes equal to 50 drops. After taking such a dose, you should reduce it on a single drop every day, until you again drink 5 drops a day. The course of treatment of chronic gastroduodenitis by this folk remedy at this point should be stopped. Repeat it will be possible not earlier than in 6 months.
  3. Broth from the flour of flax seed . This folk remedy for gastroduodenitis effectively fights against nausea and pain, and it also helps to cope with chronic fatigue. To prepare a decoction of 1 tbsp. flour mixed with 500 ml of boiling water and cooked on a small fire for about 10 minutes. Next, the formulation is left to infuse for 1 hour. Take it 60 minutes before a meal of 100 ml, the course of treatment is 1 month, after this period, take a break of 10 days. Then you can use a decoction for another month. To repeat the course more often than 3 times a year is not recommended.