Embroidery on a towel is able to express and convey the personality of its owner. It exists since ancient times and is able to make the product truly exclusive.
Towel with name embroidery
A towel with a name embroidery will be an original gift or a souvenir. Products can be conditionally divided into:
- linen towels with embroidery - patterns in the form of flowers, plants, animals, geometric patterns;
- terry towels that can be used as a bath , after taking a shower or on the beach.
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A towel with the name of a certain person will undoubtedly become his favorite thing.
Baptismal towels with embroidery
Baptismal towels with embroidery or "kryzhma" play a very important role in carrying out the rite of infant baptism. They have the power of a guard, the effect of which persists throughout the subsequent life of a baptized person.
If you put on the towel embroidery, which contains the name of the child, it is believed that this will enhance the effect of the amulet many times. A very interesting solution will be the addition of the baby's name to the date of his baptism.
When applying embroidery, as a rule, follow such moments:
- for the letters of the name they use golden or silvery colors;
- the name can not occupy the entire canvas. It is located in the corner or center of the canvas. If the towel has a hood, the inscription can be placed from its inside.
Wedding towels with embroidery
Embroidery on wedding towels refers to the ancient tradition. Previously, the wedding needed to embroider a few towels, currently only one is used, which is used for the wedding in the church and painting.
The wedding towel is decorated with embroidery on both sides: for the bride and groom. The product is divided into three parts:
- on the first there is a tree of the genus, on which it is possible to trace the kinship ties of the young;
- on the second - wishes for the groom and the bride;
- on the third - bereginis - small trees or crosses.
In addition, a wedding ring and a crown are embroidered on the towel, which symbolizes the wedding in the church.
Thus, a towel with embroidery can become one of the most favorite things.