How to fold the napkins to serve the table?

To make the festive table attractive and exquisite, you can master the simple techniques of folding napkins, and then this unpretentious accessory will look quite different from the perspective.

How to fold a napkin flower for table setting - master class

Festive and elegantly on the table look exactly cloth napkins, and not paper, which is more suitable for daily use. All of them differ in size, and the decor of them will also differ. So, let's start:

  1. Before you beautifully fold the napkins from the fabric you need these napkins in stock. A good option will be those whose sides are about 50 cm.
  2. In order to fold the napkin for serving it was easy, it folded four times as ironed. Then, at the turn, contours of the folds appear, which will become a guide. We spread the napkin on a flat surface and, taking up one corner, apply it to the center.
  3. In the same way we proceed with the remaining corners.
  4. Again we begin to turn the corners to the middle.
  5. At this stage, it turns out a kind of envelope.
  6. Our square has become much smaller.
  7. Gently, holding the square with the other hand, turn it to your back.
  8. Align that which could move from place to place in a coup.
  9. Again, we produce already familiar actions in the same order.
  10. Carefully and slowly bend the corners. You can leave small gaps between the sides to make the product more accurate.
  11. We get a square.
  12. Now we transfer our workpiece to a large plate on the table - then a napkin and will be located during the holiday.
  13. The moment has come - we begin to make a lotus flower. Gently bend one of the petals outward, slightly pulling the edge. Then the edges of the petal are rounded, arching upwards.
  14. Hold the middle, proceed to the next petal.
  15. This is how all the spread petals look.
  16. But we also have a lower layer, do not forget about it. These are small corners, which are located between large petals, peculiar sepals.
  17. After the napkin is ready, put a smaller plate on it and continue to serve the table.

Variants of jewelry from textile mass. Like a flower, you can fold a napkin with a herringbone - this will be a simpler option, or you can use a special technique to make an envelope, fan, turntable or heart. If you like classical style, think about using rings for napkins .