Gillian Michaels: Metabolism

Gillian Michaels is a well-known American fitness trainer for the Biggest Loser program, as well as a home video trainer for everyone who wants to lose weight and build metabolism through effective training. And such wishing around the world a dime a dozen! Today we will talk about the program of losing weight with Gillian Michaels - diet and training.


Gillian has separate diets for people with accelerated and slow metabolism. The latter, according to Gillian, are victims of their carefree attitude toward low-calorie diets. Low calorie diets can contribute to the loss of 500 kcal per day, but the body starts to work in a hunger mode and when you eat in normal mode, it will begin to make reserves on your stomach and sides as a starving. Everything that Gillian Michaels does is aimed at the normalization of metabolism - this applies to both training and nutrition.

Also in the nutrition program for Gillian Michaels must be present the following 5 products:


In addition to all other complexes, the most relevant will be the new program Gillian Michaels "Drive fat, speed up metabolism." Gillian, like no other, in his video programs pays great attention to motivation . No matter how many such programs are created in the world, none of them so often tell you how cool you will look after a month's course.

The program consists of six complexes, each exercise must be repeated twice. Gillian combines elements of aerobics and kickboxing, but what happened - see for yourself, but rather try it on yourself!

Everyone who has tried to proceed briskly to the program "Drive fat, speed up metabolism" will tell you one thing - the heart jumps out of your chest. Alas, your coach is ruthless Gillian Michaels, as she says: "I did it, you can do it."

Other programs Gillian Michaels

If you can not immediately follow the rhythm of this program to accelerate metabolism with Gillian michael, start with simpler complexes. For beginners, the most suitable is "Slender figure for 30 days" or as it is called "among the people" - "the Gillian shreds". In addition, only for your abdominal press - "Flat stomach for 6 weeks", as well as the program "No problem zones".

Well, and if you do not want to back away from the program "Burning fat, speed up metabolism" (which is commendable), do not immediately complete all 50 minutes of the complex. Start with 20 minutes every day, then you definitely will not abandon because of excessive loads.

To his adherents, Gillian promises a 48 hour acceleration of metabolism after training. If you can already perform the whole complex, then weekly you will lose 1.5 kg! In addition, Gillian accentuates your attention and on a healthy diet and in each complex is sure to remind you about it. The main thing, according to Gillian Michaels, caloric content should in no case be below 1200-1400 calories for women, and training should be no less than half an hour. Then everything will be all right for you!