Hemolytic Streptococcus

It's no secret that even in the body of a healthy person lives a lot of bacteria. Some of them develop independently, without causing special harm, others become the cause of inflammatory processes and diseases. This category includes hemolytic streptococcus - a bacterium that occupies the second place in the number of infections provoked to it.

What is beta-hemolytic streptococcus?

Streptococcus is a type of bacteria that, depending on its microbiotic characteristics, can be divided into individual subspecies. The term "hemolytic" in this case means that these microorganisms, when ingested, can destroy the structure of the cells, thereby presenting a considerable threat to health. Hemolytic bacteria not only feed on blood cells, but also affect its composition, provoking suppuration and inflammation in certain organs.

There are many types of streptococci, each of which has its own characteristics. In order to distinguish between bacteria and to choose the right drugs, to which they do not have resistance, that is, resistance, scientists began to designate each specific type of beta-hemolytic streptococci in letters of the Latin alphabet, from A to N. Virtually all these types of microorganisms do not need special treatment, our body with the help of its own immunity is able to resist them. But not in the case when it comes to streptococcus of the hemolytic group A. It is these bacteria that cause such unpleasant diseases as:

If hemolytic streptococcus settles in the throat, the first symptoms may appear a few months after infection, the disease has time to acquire a chronic character and is difficult to treat. Determine its streptococcal origin can be, only by passing to the analysis of planting zave, which in the usual therapeutic practice is almost never done. Therefore, if you have been trying to cure a sore throat or cough for many weeks without success, try to get a referral to this analysis. If there is a beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus scraping, treatment with beta-lactam antibiotics is indicated.

Other types of streptococcus

Alpha-hemolytic streptococcus differs from beta-hemolytic in that it only partially affects the structure of blood cells. This means that this type of bacteria rarely becomes a cause of serious illnesses, and even less likely to become infected with it. Nevertheless, it is recommended that the following rules be observed:

  1. Avoid direct contact with infected people.
  2. Do not use utensils or cutlery for general use.
  3. Observe the rules of hygiene.
  4. During the exacerbation of infectious diseases after returning home, wash your hands and face with soap and water.

Treatment of hemolytic streptococcus with antibiotics is carried out only after the doctors have established the exact form of the microorganisms that provoked the disease. The most commonly prescribed drug is one of the following:

The course of treatment is usually from 7 to 10 days, but if necessary, can be further extended. After the bacteria are completely destroyed, the patient should be treated with immunostimulating and restorative drugs, and also drink a course of vitamins and lactobacilli. Even with effective treatment, resistance to beta-hemolytic streptococci in group A does not occur.