Stone labrador - magical properties

Labrador was named after the peninsula of the same name in North America, where it was found. In nature, there is a mineral of dark gray and green-gray color. By the way, the options of a light shade are considered female, and the darker ones are considered masculine. There are also other names: a black moonstone or a bull's eye.

Magic properties of the labrador stone

Still long ago people believed that a mineral helps to reveal talents and to show extrasensory abilities. With its help you can look into other worlds. It is recommended to wear ornaments and talismans from this stone to people over 30 years old, since for younger people stone can become a push to adventurous acts. As already mentioned, the mineral labrador has the properties of female and male energy, but the ideal solution is to have stones of both "sexes". In this case, the minerals will serve as a guard for relationships with the opposite sex.

Psychics claim that the Labrador is an excellent amulet, and it can protect the house and man from penetrating negative energy. It is recommended to put it in the house in the most prominent place, but make sure that other people, except for family members, do not touch it. A stone can turn a negative flow into a positive one. Since the magical properties of the Labrador are directly dependent on the moon, in order to increase its strength, it is necessary to put a stone in the full moon at a place where it will receive the light of a satellite of the earth. It is recommended to use ornaments from this mineral to people who often experience fears or feel insecure. With its help, you can confidently move forward and develop.

Therapeutic properties of the labradorite stone

Traditional healers recommend the use of this mineral as a fortifying agent. There is also information that the stone helps to cope with the pain in the presence of problems with the spine. Lithotherapists say that a labrador should be used by women with infertility. Rings or pendants with Labrador possess properties that positively influence the work of the nervous system, which in turn helps to cope with the stressful condition and get rid of insomnia . You can use a mineral in the presence of eye and brain problems.

Properties of a Labradorite Stone for Zodiac Signs

Astrologers claim that the mineral in principle fits all signs of the zodiac. The full strength of the stone will be appreciated by people born under the auspices of the elements Water: Pisces, Cancers and Scorpions.