Diet "USSR"

In the USSR, there were not so many people with obesity, as now, but there were not very many diets as such. If you ask representatives of the Soviet generation about this, they will smile with a smile that the food was not with GMOs , but natural. Though all the same there is a certain secret of the ideal figure, whose name is "Diet No. 8".

Meals in the USSR

Before turning to a detailed review of the main Soviet diet, it will not be superfluous to tell in more detail about the recommendations of that time concerning weight loss. So, for those who dreamed of an ideal figure and a normal weight, advised to adhere to a fractional food. It included consumption of food about 6 times a day, of course, in small portions. An important factor was that the diet included low-fat products. There is as much as you want vegetables, it was possible only if there was no starch in them.

These include:

During cooking, it is better not to salt the dish. The best option is to add salt during the meal. It was allowed no more than 5 grams per day, which equates to 1 teaspoonful. But as for water, then you should drink about 1.5 liters per day.

Adhering to this regime, as the specialists of the Institute of Nutrition assured, in a month it was possible to get rid of 10 kg.

Diet of Soviet Time

Now is the time for the aforementioned diet of the USSR "No.8". Caloric content of all products consumed per day should not exceed 2,000 kcal. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to eat fried foods. Welcome only steam cooking, stewing and cooking.

The black list of forbidden products includes:

It will not be superfluous to list the permitted delicacies:

So, for the first breakfast it was recommended to eat 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese with tea without sugar or simply pampering yourself with a stewed carrot. On the second - carrots and cabbage salad. Lunch: light borsch, green peas and boiled meat. Snack: not more than 100 grams of cottage cheese and compote. Dinner was 130 grams of vegetable stew, as much fish, water or tea without sugar.