Chinese greenery

A lot of Europeans know the Chinese green. The medicine is made on the prescription of healers from China. Despite the similar name with zelenok, that is, with a brilliant green solution, the medicine has a significantly greater range of useful properties. It should be noted that its price is quite low.

Useful properties of Chinese greenery

Chinese greens are widely used as a healing, soothing, emollient, antiseptic and bacteriostatic. In doing so, it is used for local anesthesia and as an analgesic, which has won the attention of not only ordinary people who use it for self-treatment of uncomplicated skin lesions, but also medical workers.

This set of medicinal properties allows you to use Chinese zelenok for:

The drug from herbalists is prescribed by doctors in the treatment of burns , including sunburn. With the bites of various insects, the antiseptic gel Chinese zelenka can relieve inflammation and itching.

Many mothers know that with the development of contact dermatitis and small scratches or injuries, it is safe and quick to cure a child with the help of Chinese zebra.

With herpes on the lips or frostbite on the face and other parts of the body, green is used as the main and auxiliary medicine.

In the transitional age, Chinese greens help get rid of acne on the face and other parts of the body.

With simple surgical interventions, the medicine from Chinese herbalists is successfully used as a superficial anesthetic.

Features of the application of Chinese greenery

As we have already said, the drug was created by Chinese herbalists, so its recipe is ancient, because of what the composition of Chinese zelenka is not advertised. Antiseptic gel has a thick substance and when applied to the skin forms a film.

When storing and using Chinese greens, the following rules must be adhered to:

  1. Do not put it on the skin in too much.
  2. It can not be used to treat diseases in the oral cavity.
  3. Keep out of the reach of children. The green color of the gel can be quite attractive to the child, and he can use the green inside.
  4. Chinese Green »is suitable for external use only.