Treatment after miscarriage

Miscarriage is a pathological termination of pregnancy, which can be caused by a number of reasons. These include inflammatory processes, viral diseases, fetal development abnormalities, as well as abnormal structure or trauma to the cervix. In any case, treatment after miscarriage is a necessary measure to avoid such serious consequences as the pelvic inflammatory process, bleeding and so on.

Course of treatment after miscarriage

Often after a miscarriage, doctors make a cleaning, or curettage of the uterus. This procedure can lead to bleeding, so treatment after miscarriage and cleaning includes the use of special hemostatic drugs. After discharge from the hospital, you need to monitor your body's condition, measure the temperature daily and pay attention to the nature of the discharge .

The course of treatment after a miscarriage includes the appointment of the necessary drugs to prevent the consequences of this difficult event, and most importantly, the diagnosis and elimination of the cause of miscarriage.

In addition to a gynecologist, a woman should also be observed with a therapist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, urologist, to exclude the presence of other diseases of the body, which may also be concomitant factors for abortion. To identify the causes of miscarriage, it is necessary to pass tests for hidden infections, hormones, to undergo ultrasound. Examination and treatment after a spontaneous abortion is recommended to appoint not only a woman, but her partner.

Planning pregnancy after miscarriage

Until the next attempt to conceive a child you must wait at least 6-12 months. During this time, the body will regain strength, and you will undergo the necessary course of treatment. In addition to medical measures, try to lead a correct lifestyle. Refuse bad habits, unbalanced nutrition and stress.

Many women after a miscarriage resort to treatment by folk remedies - these are various herbal preparations and decoctions. However, do not self-medicate without discussing this with a doctor in advance. Herbs, if not properly applied, can harm and prolong treatment for an even longer period. Therefore, better trust in modern medicine.