Causes of varicose veins

In the human body there are two types of vessels: arteries, through which blood from the heart enters the internal organs and skin, and veins, through which the blood returns to the heart muscle. Due to various reasons, blood begins to move badly through the veins, stagnation leads to the fact that the veins swell and begin to ache, under the skin become visible bluish "jellyfish" - expanded capillary nets. This condition is called varicose veins.

The causes of varicose veins

The main cause of varicose veins on the legs, according to doctors, is heredity. For the birth line, regardless of gender, the weakness and inelasticity of the vessel walls is transmitted. Another factor - weak or deformed heart valves can also lead to varicose veins. The presence of both genetic factors is often the cause of varicose veins even in very young women. But the predisposition to the disease does not mean that the disease must manifest itself. To develop varicose, in addition to heredity, the body should be influenced by certain external causes.

Common causes of varicose veins are:

Attention! Pregnancy often becomes a factor leading to the development of varicose veins. The enlarged uterus presses on the veins passing through the small pelvis, leading to stagnation of blood.

Psychological causes of varicose veins

Psychologists L.Burbo, B.Boginski and S.Shalil put forward a hypothesis about the psychological nature of the disease. They believe that varicose veins are the result of discontent with their lives, when a person is forced to engage in unloved work, an uninteresting business for him. Because of the negative there is sluggishness, lethargy, apathy . It is against this background that the symptoms of varicose veins develop.

Through illness, the body tries to convey to the consciousness that it is necessary to change the way of life and attitude to work, to allow oneself to relax, to listen to one's desires. It is the acquisition of inner freedom that can become a condition for overcoming varicose veins.