Estivil's method, or how to teach a child to sleep?

Toddlers grow up and sometimes on the way parents raise questions about their re-education. Very often, moms and dads, enjoying moments of intimacy with the child, make the mistake of taking it with them to bed or constantly rocking the baby in the arena. But here the child grew older, and it was time to fall asleep independently, but the child insistently requires the attention of the parents, refusing to fall asleep himself. How to teach a child to sleep on their own, will help to understand the method of Estivil, which in many countries of the world has proven itself on the positive side. This program of raising a child to independent sleep was first published in the year 96 of the twentieth century. Developed by her famous Spanish doctor for sleep disorders.

How does the technique work?

The method of Dr. Estivil is that previously accustomed to falling asleep with the mother of children, are taught to fall asleep on their own. The basis of this teaching is the system of ignoring the requirements of the karapuz from the point of view of child psychology.

As an example, in the book the doctor cites the behavior of a child who communicates with adults through the "demand-action" system. Karapuz knows perfectly well that if he is not allowed to do something, since he wants, then he can get what he wants with crying and shouting, and this is the most effective way to take what his parents want.

The method of falling asleep Estivil tells moms and dads, how to behave with a child who is capricious at bedtime:

The system of Dr. Estivil is that, according to the established time intervals, the child is left alone in a dark room, having previously placed him in the crib. This procedure is repeated many times, until the baby is asleep, and before the beginning of the child explain that this is how he learns to sleep. The time for which you can leave the crumbs room is listed in the table:

It depends on what day is spent training and how many times the parents left the room. For example, if the classes are held the second day, then the first time to leave the baby can be for 3 minutes. If he cried, you need to go back and pack him again, after which you should leave the room for 5 minutes, etc.

The point of view of psychotherapists on the method of Estiville

The opinion of psychologists by the Estivil method is very different. Some argue that such training harms the crumb, because he can get scared and do not sleep at night, waking up many times and calling his mother, while others, on the contrary, say that if the situation is familiar for the baby, then there is nothing terrible in this.

But the most important refutation of Dr. Estivil's method is that not every baby for the proposed terms begins to fall asleep on its own and here it is necessary to take into account the age and psychological development of the child. In the learning process, you need to closely monitor the behavior of the crumbs, so that these exercises do not develop into a psychosis with fear of letting go of the mother's hand before going to bed.