Ruby allergy tablets

Tablets from an allergy to ragweed are not easy to pick up - a medicine that is well suited to one person may not help the other at all. The thing is that the very nature of the disease for the most part remains for scientists and doctors a mystery. But do not despair: the drug is effective for your case!

What tablets help with ragweed allergy?

Tablets against allergy to ragweed are included in complex therapy. After all, as you know, the only cure for allergies is to develop immunity to an allergen, or completely avoid contact with it. No pharmacological agent here will help, but there are several ways to achieve the desired:

  1. Go through allergy tests to know exactly the type of allergen. The best time of year is November-December. After this, you can be assigned special injections containing micro-dose of the substance to which you developed an individual intolerance. In this way, you can teach the body not to respond to an allergy agent.
  2. During the flowering ambrosia, try to go out into the street only in the evening, or after the rain.
  3. Hang a protective mesh on the windows, protecting the room from the penetration of pollen. The air conditioner with the filter will also be a good solution.
  4. During an exacerbation, do not eat food allergens, even if you are not sensitive to them. This honey, watermelon, melon, nuts, seeds, halva, unrefined vegetable oils.
  5. Use symptomatic treatment: drops in the eyes and nose, antipruritic ointment, cough medicines. Having defeated the symptoms, you will significantly alleviate your condition.

All tablets from an allergy to blossom ambrosia can be divided into two groups. These are antihistamines and hormonal medications. Let's talk in more detail about the pros and cons of each of these categories of drugs.

Names of tablets from ragweed allergy

Effective tablets from an allergy to ambrosia can be found only by trial and error. In this case, you should take into account that in each category of drugs there are their favorites, which we recommend to pay attention first.

Antihistamines are conventionally divided into several generations:

  1. Medicines of the first generation - Suprastinum, Dimedrolum, Diazolinum and others - have a relatively weak effect, but are rarely accompanied by the occurrence of side effects. The maximum discomfort that they can cause is increased drowsiness.
  2. Second-generation medicines - Fenistil, Terfimnadine, Loratidine , Astemizol - are quickly absorbed by the intestinal mucosa and act almost instantaneously. The active substances of these preparations are withdrawn from the body slowly, which provides a prolonged effect. The disadvantages include possible complications in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  3. Medicines of the third generation - Desloratidine, Levocerisin, Telfast - appeared on the market not so long ago, therefore not all their properties are well studied. Nevertheless, the main advantages of these remedies are that doctors do not have a depressing effect on the nervous system and the heart muscle. For today it is the most effective tablets from an allergy to ambrosia.

Hormonal medications also serve mainly to relieve symptoms:

It can not be said that these are the best tablets from the ragweed allergy, since they are prescribed only in severe cases and when antihistamines do not help. The reason for this is a large number of side effects and possible complications. The most safe hormonal drugs to date are Prednisolone and Dexamethasone.