Is it possible to drink yogurt for breastfeeding mother?

The benefits of dairy products are very high. Products that can be made from milk, a huge variety. With the birth of a child, the question arises what can and can not be eaten by a woman in labor. Many believe that milk should be the main product in the diet of a nursing woman, but pediatricians insist that in large quantities it can harm the baby's digestive system. And sometimes even a small fraction of the diet of the mother is not well tolerated by the baby. Against this background, the question arises: is it possible to make kefir, which is made from milk, feeding the mother? First we will find out what this drink is.

Can yogurt be lactating to mothers?

Kefir is a fermented milk product obtained as a result of fermentation using special starter preparations. This drink is very nutritious, tasty and healthy for both the mother and the baby, if properly prepared. Kefir during breastfeeding helps to colonize the baby's intestines with the microflora that he needs, the intensive colonization of which lasts until the month of his life. And during the first year of life kefir for a nursing mother is an assistant in solving this problem.

What yogurt will help my mother?

Many women after birth are concerned about the appearance of hemorrhoids, cracks and bad stools. The systematic use of kefir will help to cope with this problem. Kefir lactating is indicated in the treatment with antibiotics - bacteria and fungi that are contained in kefir, help the intestines cope with dysbacteriosis. Kefir during lactation is recommended to drink on an empty stomach and before going to bed, there are no restrictions on the amount of drink consumed.

Homemade kefir

You can prepare yogurt for nursing mother at home. It can be replaced with ordinary yogurt, sour milk without adding ferment, which is also very useful, especially in the first hours after souring, but only if the access to it of pathogenic bacteria is restricted.

Even better, if you prepare yogurt for nursing mothers with a specially developed starter (home-made yogurt). To do this, you need a yogurt or a conventional thermos, milk and leaven (or a bottle of classic yoghurt short-lived storage). Homemade milk is not recommended; it is very fatty for the child, a pasteurized milk or milk of long storage will do. It must be heated to a temperature of 30-35 degrees, pour into it "kefir" bacteria from the sachet or prepared according to the prescription in advance, the ferment, stir and pour into a thermos or pour over jars. After a while (see it in the instructions for leaven), the home-made yogurt will be ready. This kefir can be given to children after ten months of life, sometimes after a year.

So, to the question - whether it is possible to drink kefir to nursing mothers - the answer is affirmative. You can, from the first birthday of the child, not more than half a liter a day, because you need to eat balanced, adding other dairy products, such as cheese, low-fat cottage cheese. All this will help my mother regain strength after childbirth and adjust the digestive system of the baby.