How to make blossom gippeastrum?

Flowering hippeastrum always pleases the eye, because the beautiful gramophones of its inflorescences look very nice. But it also happens that a young and seemingly healthy plant for some reason refuses to bloom. What to do in such cases?

Hippeastrum does not flower

The fact that your hippeastrum does not want to bloom can be caused by one of the following factors:

  1. The most common reason for this is ignorance of how to properly organize the plant rest period . If in the winter months the flower "sleeps", then with the onset of spring, it will necessarily "wake up" and certainly will please you with abundant flowering.
  2. Also, gippeastrum can not reproduce the inflorescence as a result of a lack of fertilizers in the soil . When the earth is exhausted, even the vitally important nutrients-macro and microelements-do not fall to the bulb. In this case, your pet will not only not bloom, but may even die. Pay attention to the growth of the bulb: with sufficient nutrition, it should increase from year to year.
  3. If you notice that hippeastrum not only does not bloom, but also its leaves began to dry, know: the reason can be covered in insufficient watering . The reverse side of the coin is overmoistening, in which the bulb starts to rot.
  4. Hippeastrum, infected with a scab, spider mite or other disease typical for this type of indoor plants will not bloom.

What if the hippeastrum does not bloom?

Based on the above information, there are several ways to make blossom gippeastrum, and they are completely dependent on the cause of this behavior.

First of all, check the plant for illnesses. To do this, inspect the flower bulb for rot and damage.

Remember when you last spent the feeding and changed the earth. If necessary, transplant the plant into fresh soil with drainage and begin to fertilize regularly. This should be done as early as possible in the spring, when the period of active growth is coming. Follow the norms of watering the hippeastrum, which should be moderate, while water should not fall on the bulb.

If your flower gippeastrum, even with a good, full-fledged care still does not bloom, pay attention to the change of seasons. This plant goes into hibernation in about October. By this time, the watering is smoothly reduced, and the leaves are cut to the root. The bulb in the pot is sent to winter in a cool dark place, and it takes only 2-3 months.