Spiral curlers

Helix curler is a method of perming the hair. Unlike the horizontal, such a curl creates small, but even curls, which is not always possible with conventional hair curlers. Therefore, we can assume that the curlers of the spiral are suitable first of all for women who have never tried to create a hairstyle from locks on their own, and at the same time are afraid to spoil their appearance, at least until the next washing of the head.

Curlers for spiral curl can be made from different materials, from which they are divided into soft and hard. The method of curling hair is very dependent on this factor: so if hard curling is done on the winding, then using soft ones, you just need to be able to separate evenly the strands and use the hook carefully using hair hooks and pulling them into a special swirled cover. Let's take a closer look at the difference in spiral curlers and how to use them.

Hair curlers, spiral

Such hair curlers are also called magic spirals: they allow, with a minimum of effort, to get so-called American beeches, which have an average thickness. These curlers are called Magic Leverag, and are sold, often, with an additional set of different sizes of spirals. The kit comes with a hook, consisting of two parts that are easy to connect, as well as the curlers themselves, in fact are small cheholchiki, tapered at the ends and spirally twisted.

And in fact, it's not for nothing that these hair curlers are called magical, because the effect that it turns out is incomparable with the effort that is required: if you make a hairstyle neatly, hardly anyone will be able to suspect that this beauty was created with the help of several movements of the hand without the help of a professional.

Solid spiral curlers

Solid spiral curlers can be wooden, plastic and metal. Handling them is more difficult than with soft ones - here the price of beautiful curls is measured by experience and skill.

Solid spiral curlers look like a tube with spiral incisors and a fixer - an elastic band or a metal barrette. Their main drawback is that it is not easy to wind hair with wooden or metal spirals, when strands on the back of the head are taken.

Nevertheless, if you learn how to make a curl with the help of such curlers, then you can get beautiful elegantly decorated strands of curls.

How to use spiral curlers?

Depending on the material from which the curlers are made, there are two curling techniques: for self-use it is easier to curl the hair soft, and if there is an assistant - firm.

How to wind hard spiral curlers?

First you need to divide the hair into strands of medium thickness, and fix each of them so that the hair does not get tangled. Then one spiral is taken, brought to the base of the hair growth, and then the strand is wound in a spiral so that the next one is superimposed on the half of the previous one. After that, the curlers are fixed.

In order to get a clearly defined strands, before winding, moisten them with a hair gel or a fixative spray.

Spiral curlers should be worn for at least 3 hours: the longer and heavier the hair, the longer.

How to wind soft helix curlers?

To wind hair with a spiral with a soft curler, connect the two parts of the hook and place it in a swirled cover so that the hook remains visible. Then take one curl, twist it at the bottom and create an eyelet, and then grab a strand with a crochet and pull it into the coil curler. At the moment when you pull the strand, the soft spiral straightens, but once you release it, it will regain its shape along with the lock.

To speed up the process of curling, use a small amount of fixing spray. The time for curling should be determined depending on the severity of the hair, but the ideal time for wearing such curlers is at least 4 hours.

All the techniques of curl are made on a dry or slightly damp hair.