Lunar calendar hair clip

What does a beautiful hairdress depend on? Many women know that not only from the skill of the master and the condition of the head of hear, but also the lunar calendar of hair cutting.

How to get a haircut on the lunar calendar?

The main ornament of a woman is her hair, they contain her strength and attractiveness. Modern hairstyles do not require much time and effort, but you can not always get your head in order (no matter how hard you try!). The worst thing of all, when it is extremely necessary to look excellent, and after going to the hairdresser's, a stylish haircut looks like a bunch of disheveled hair in a few days. We have to wait until the hair grows back, anger and irritation are accumulating in the soul.

Why is this happening?

It turns out that everything is to blame for Luna, her position in the sign of the Zodiac. Our grandparents knew about this from their grandmothers. Caring for the scythe-girlish beauty, hair and beard with mustaches have always adhered to certain rules. Previously, women did not cut their hair, it was done only by men.

To make hair look neat and beautiful, women tried to get a haircut on the lunar calendar. They did not take scissors themselves and did not go to the barber if the Moon was in the sign Aries, Cancer, Fish.

When the moon is in Aries, it is better not to touch the hair even with a comb. They become very sensitive these days and after any damage they are long and difficult to recover. For this reason, women on such days do not twist braids. When the moon is in Pisces, the haircut will be unsuccessful and dandruff may appear.

When the Moon in Cancer (especially diminishing), after shearing and washing hair becomes uncontrollable and shaggy, will constantly stick out in different directions. They also lead themselves, if they wash their heads when the moon is in Scorpio, Pisces. In addition, a lot of vital energy is lost, which can lead to diseases.

Lunar calendar haircuts and hair coloring recommends:

Lunar calendar of haircuts for children

In the old days they did not forget about it and always used it when they first cut their children. With the first haircut involves many rituals and beliefs. It is believed that if a child is tonsured during the growing Moon in Leo or Libra, then happiness and success will accompany him in life. A man will not have a bald spot, and a girl will control men with the help of the mind and magic of beautiful hair.

When is the best time to cut your lunar calendar?

It is necessary to be cut only with the growing Moon. The best time is a full moon, when the moon is in the signs of the Virgin or Libra. If you follow these simple tips and follow the Lunar haircut calendar, then your haircut will always delight you.

You can find out information about the Moon in the calendar, as it changes every year and every month. There is such a small old thing - a tear-off calendar, a numerator. They are now sold on a variety of topics. In addition to good advice in it in the upper right corner reflects all the information about the moon: the time of sunrise - sunset, to know when the moon day comes, the day of the moon, the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located. This information will help you to always be beautiful, healthy and successful, save energy and time. Becomes the best counselor in everyday life. After all, we all live in a sublunary world, and the beautiful Moon most influences our affairs and mood.