The thunder in April - the people's sign

The thunder in April, as a folk sign in different sources, is treated differently, but still, most often, in popular signs, thunder is associated with the weather peculiarities that will be characteristic of the spring and summer season this year.

And in order to properly interpret the thunder in April, you need to pay attention to a number of unique features. For example, if the first thunder in April is heard from the south, then the summer and spring season will be extremely warm. If on the contrary, the sound of thunder comes from the north - then from spring and from summer one should expect quite cool weather.

In addition, many people's signs pay attention to the very sound of thunder. If it is sharp, then the weather will most likely be clear. If the sound on the contrary is deaf and rolling, then it is not worth waiting for good weather in the near future.

Signs of thunder in April and their origin

Today it is no secret that our ancestors had a huge number of superstitions associated with atmospheric phenomena. So, for example, thunder and lightning in April were considered, almost by God's wrath, and the signs connected with this phenomenon often did not foreshadow any joyful events. But, in fact, this is only one side of the coin.

After all, in one way or another, the signs largely helped our ancestors. Let many of them today seem to us a real absurdity, but they all had their own history of origin. And this story is quite simple. Our ancestors had enough time to observe everything around them. In particular, the behavior of nature. And it can not be said that these observations were simple superstitions.

Our ancestors could, analyzing the early thunder in April with all its unique features up to a full thunderstorm determine the weather not only for the near future, but for the whole next year. It was not just a whim, but a vital skill: the survival of our ancestors directly depended on weather and harvest.

It must be said that modern meteorological studies use the same signs for their predictions, which were noticed by our ancestors in due time. Just today, their forecasts seem to us more accurate, that for their justification modern instruments and calculations are used.

Of course, for a modern person, signs do not have such great importance. But those who are engaged in vegetable gardens, usually pay close attention to them. In addition to the weather, thunder and thunderstorm in April have many signs related to health. For example, to get rid of evil, you need to smoke a house with wormwood during a thunderstorm. And in order to avoid stress during the same first thunderstorm, kiss the earth.

To believe in these signs or not is a private matter for everyone, but, in any case, they can serve better than many modern meteorological forecasts. The main thing to know what first of all you need to pay attention.