Signs for September 30

According to the Christian calendar on September 30, martyrs who suffered for their faith - Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia - are remembered. In Rome, during the persecution of Christians, the daughters of this pious woman were tortured, and after that they were killed by the order of King Adrian. Their mother died on the third day after the burial of the remains of their children. Christian church, they were all listed as saints and since then Orthodox people celebrate on September 30, and with this holiday is associated with a lot of signs.

Signs on the 30th holiday of September of Faith, Hope and Love

This holiday also has one more name: "All-wise woman's howling", because according to the tradition of the day, all women started with a weeping over their female share, and even if everything in life was going well, they cried for their relatives, sisters and mothers, because " woman's destiny does not happen alone. " This tradition was associated with such a fiction on September 30 - having cried one day, one could hope that nothing will make shed tears during the following year. Young girls on this day were going to "parties", where they could look after themselves for a mated. Already lovers performed rituals and rituals to strengthen the passion of the young man, and married people also performed a certain ritual with a karav and a church candle to bring prosperity to the house.

On this day, her name-day celebrated the representatives of the fair sex with the names worn by the holy martyrs. And according to the people's signs on September 30, they were supposed to celebrate three days. The birthday girls baked pies and treated their loved ones, ate themselves, and received donations and icons with the image of the great martyrs as gifts. On the signs of September 30, they do not play a wedding, but they do it on the Pokrov, but on the Feast of Faith, Hope, Love and Sophia are wedded.

Other popular signs:

So, according to Christian customs, it was customary to celebrate this holiday - a day reminiscent of the suffering of those who laid down their lives for the faith and even in the face of death did not deny God and Jesus Christ.