The butterfly butterfly has flown into the house - a sign

Butterflies-chocolates called so for the brown color of the wings, in another way they are also called hives. This is a fairly common species of scaly-winged, whose representatives can often be seen in gardens, flower beds, in fields. Sometimes they visit people's homes. No wonder that many people ask what the sign means when a butterfly-chocolatier flies into an apartment. There are different ways of treating this situation.

A butterfly-butterfly has flown into the house - what does the sign say?

In general, the cases when the butterfly-chocolatier has flown into the house are regarded by the people as a positive sign. It is believed that on its colorful wings it brings happiness, success , harmony in family relationships. If her appearance surprised you a lot, then you will receive guests - most likely those with whom you have not talked for a long time and no longer wanted to see: long-lost friends, relatives, lost friends. If the butterfly behaves calmly in the house: it does not rush, does not try to fly away, quietly sits on the hand or pieces of furniture - you will soon learn important news that will help you get rich or climb the career ladder. If the winged visitor freely flits, nowhere to sit down, then you will travel, most likely pleasant. Perhaps you will finally go on vacation, which you have long dreamed of.

When the omen of the butterfly-chocolatier portends trouble?

But there are situations when the appearance of a butterfly-hives promises misfortune. It is worthwhile to guard yourself if an insect is beating out of the window, trying to get out of the house at any cost - it will be abandoned by luck and prosperity. It's very bad if you find a dead butterfly in the apartment. This means that you or someone close will find the disease, and, probably, quite serious. You should carefully listen to your own health and go to the doctor.