The sign - the spider crawls on the person

Probably, there are no people absolutely indifferent to spiders. Most, looking at them, experience horror or disgust. Their unusual and unlike other insects causes a sense of some mystery. And the secret is that spiders are not insects, they form their own "group" - arachnids.

Spiders always shocked a man's imagination. After all, an unintelligent animal, and what an amazing thing - a web, can do! Probably, that is why so many signs are associated with spiders, both bad and good.

Signs of the spiders

For example, the spider on the hand is the most favorable sign . After all, many people believe that the spider brings wealth. And money comes to the one who works. Hence, the spider on the hand means that the work will be generously paid for. True, such good omens are waiting for a person in the event that it is an ordinary spider, and not some tarantula there. The poisonous spider will not bring anything, except for the urgent need to visit the hospital.

In general, the most favorable sign was to see a small red spider. His ancestors called him a money-deer and believed that he would bring financial prosperity. If he was on clothes, then it meant a quick new thing.

The spider on my head is a nice sign too. It means that this person (with a spider on his head) like an unexpected legacy will fall on his head. Although, if you think about it, it's not that good. After all, if the inheritance, then someone will die. What kind of joy is this?

The sign related to the fact that the spider crawls around the person, usually offers material benefits. But the spider in another place - not always. Suppose, if a spider suddenly found itself on a table during lunch, this could mean the presence of some secret enemy. However, the spider on the dining table - this is so unpleasant and can quarrel the hostess with all the domestic people who do not want to eat in such a society.

To see a spider in a dream is not a good thing. If in reality these creatures, according to popular beliefs, bring good luck, then in a dream - on the contrary, a lot of trouble. These are quarrels , illnesses, and other failures.