Ivan Kupala - signs and customs for everyone

The customs of the holiday of Ivan Kupala and the signs connected with this day have reached our days. He survived the coming of Christianity, endured the times of total denial of religion in the country and continues to worry the imagination of many people. His mysteriousness at the same time attracts and frightens, like a fern flower, which became his symbol.

Folk features on Ivan Kupala

In the holiday Ivan Kupala, signs and customs were observed very strictly, because he is dedicated to the god of fertility Kupala. Initially celebrated it on the longest day of the solstice on June 21-22, the code summer comes into full force and the sun has a special power. After the adoption of the Slavs Christianity, the feast did not disappear, but it was tied to the birthday of John the Baptist (John the Baptist) and began to celebrate on June 24. Another change in the date of celebration occurred during the transition from Julian to Gregorian. And now it is celebrated on July 6-7.

The holiday is enveloped in a multitude of mystical and mysterious phenomena. He connects the forces of fire and water. These days people with the help of these elements are striving for purification, for which on the eve of the holiday they visit a bath with special brooms made of medicinal herbs. And during the celebration, cleansing takes place during the ritual leaping through the fire. But it is believed that this night is particularly active evil spirits, and therefore bathing can be dangerous because of the mermaids, and the witches gather for their sabbath on Bald Mountain. Especially strong were the signs for Ivan Kupala, so they were paid close attention.

Signs on Ivan Kupala - weather

At all times, for farmers, the weather in the summer was the most important factor of survival, and the signs of it were viewed primarily at:

Signs on Ivan Kupala for money

Signs of Ivan Kupala were associated with the acquisition of money and wealth. The main of these signs was the mystical flower of the fern. For those who were lucky to find and tear this flower, all the treasures hidden in the earth at any depth were opened. This man was able to understand birds and animals, gained power and witchcraft.

There were other signs for money on Ivan Kupala:

Signs on Ivan Kupala for unmarried people

Unmarried girls always for this day built the most daring plans. They diligently observed all the signs and ceremonies of Ivan Kupala:

Signs on Ivan Kupala for married people

Married women were also very important to know what signs for the day of Ivan Kupala are more important to them:

Signs on Ivan Kupala for conception

The deity Ivan Kupala from the Slavs was the patron of love and marriage, and therefore on this holiday liberties were allowed, which at the usual time for girls and women were impossible. Women who wanted to have children, especially those who could not do it, tried to conceive this night.

Born on the day of Ivan Kupala - signs

Not only conception, but also birth in Ivanov, the day was recognized as a great happiness. Signs and superstitions on Kupala claimed that the child born on this day will not only grow rich and happy, but will have supernatural abilities, will be able to conjure and communicate with spirits.

Philosophers grow up born to Kupala, they are loving and affable. But there is a danger that they can get carried away with the material component of life and become skopidomas. Signs and customs of Ivan Kupala live for many centuries, they can vary for different terrains, but all these signs are united by one common goal: to go through cleansing so that life will be reborn from year to year