Can I repay debts on Tuesday?

With money there are many signs, and especially this relates to debts. People who believe in magical powers believe that it is necessary to give loans taking into account the day of the week, the time and even the phase of the moon. Many are wondering whether it is possible to repay debts on Tuesday and what will happen if the ban is broken.

The patron of the second day of the week is the god Mars, and, as is known, he is characterized by enmity, negativity and rivalry. Active people are feeling well on this day, but others may not be lucky.

Is it possible to lend on Tuesday?

This day of the week is ideal for making trips, especially if they are associated with some kind of work. If you want to improve your financial situation, then the second day of the week is recommended to cut the nails. It is impossible to repay the debt on Tuesday, because it is believed that the money will simply cease to be used. If there is no way out and it is necessary to give or borrow on that day, it is recommended not to transfer money from hand to hand, but simply put the bills on something, for example, on the table. It is not recommended to exchange money on that day. It is best to pay for the purchase of a card or give money without surrender.

Other signs of money:

  1. You can not leave any empty dishes on the table, as this will lead to a lack of money.
  2. Problems in the material sphere can arise if you sweep the crumbs off the table with your hand.
  3. The appearance of a money deficit may result in leaving the keys or a hat left on the table.
  4. It is not recommended for something to pay off and lend on Tuesday.
  5. In order not to become impoverished, one should not give bread to other people through the doorstep.
  6. It is not necessary to transfer money to other people after sunset. If this is necessary, then the notes are thrown on the floor, and another person raises them.
  7. It is forbidden to twist money so that there are no problems in the material sphere.
  8. Problems with finances can appear if a person passes through arches that are formed by a pillar and a spur.