What is the itchy nose?

There are many superstitious people in the world who are afraid of black cats, do not take out garbage in the evening, etc. They pay no less attention to the reactions of their body, which are considered certain hints. Knowing the interpretation of the sign, the bruise of the nose or the entire nose, you can learn about the events of the near future. Initially, I want to clarify that every person has the right to decide for himself whether to believe in superstition or not.

What is the itchy nose?

This sign refers to negative options, as it predicts death. Do not tune in for the worst, because it can touch anyone, for example, a relative or a local resident. The sign is that the deceased will be buried in the local cemetery. In general, in the near future a person who has an itch in the nose bridge, learns about the death of another.

Other variants of interpretation are signs, to which the nose is scratched:

In the old days, people believed that the bridge of the nose was itching to lower the prices of food.

Note that the signs of itching in the nose are considered effective, if this does not concern any health problems. Various rashes may indicate, for example, allergies.

What does the sign mean - the pimple jumped on the bridge of the nose?

If the pimple is located in a place close to the eyes - this is a good sign, meaning to receive pleasant news. Again, there is no specific information about what the news will be about, so it can touch on both work and personal life. If several pimples appeared on the bridge of the nose, and they are located in one line - this is a harbinger of a long journey . Predictions basically come true within a month.