Folk features on the Pokrov

Cover is a revered feast, which has its own signs and customs. On this day, it is also customary to read conspiracies and guess, since it is believed that the higher powers allow you to learn the truth and get help.

The name of this holiday is told in history. In 910, enemies attacked Constantinople and people began to pray for salvation day and night. In the temple were the blessed Andrew and Epiphanius. Reading the holy texts, they noticed how the Virgin Mary appeared, who began to pray with everyone. After that, she removed the veil from her head and covered all the people in the temple with them. He became for them an invisible shield, which he protected from the attack of enemies.

Folk features on the Cover of the weather

As this holiday falls on the autumn-winter period, the events taking place on this day helped to learn about the weather for the coming winter.

Weather signs for Pokrov:

  1. To see in this holiday a flying wedge of cranes is a signal that the winter will come early and it will be cold.
  2. If there are no leaves left on oaks and birches before the Veil, then the year will pass easily, without any cataclysms and problems. In the event that the leaves still exist - a sign that the winter will be harsh.
  3. In the direction of the wind on this day, judged on which side to wait for the first frosts.
  4. When the snow covered the Pokrov, Dmitriev's day would be snowy. If the weather was good, then, on the day of St. Catherine, one should not expect rainfall.
  5. In the event that the first snow fell before this holy holiday, then winter will not come soon.
  6. In ancient times, people believed that what the weather on the Pokrov, this will be winter.
  7. If on that day all the fields are covered with snow, then it will come to the end of February.

These superstitions have more than once proven their effectiveness, because they contain the knowledge and wisdom of more than one generation.

Wedding signs and beliefs of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

It is believed that the veil, which was protected by the Mother of God in Constantinople, was the wedding veil. That's why this holiday is girlish.

Wedding signs associated with the Veil:

  1. If the girl cheerfully spent this holiday, then she can find a good groom in the near future.
  2. According to the amount of snow that lies on the ground on the Pokrov, judged on the weddings in the next year, that is, than its layer above, the more couples will go under the crown.
  3. People believed that if on this feast of the Virgin Mary, a guy shows an interest in a girl, then in the future he will become her fiancé.
  4. The big wind on this day indicates that many girls will go under the aisle.
  5. It is believed that the girl who first put the candle in front of the icon of the Virgin in the temple, the fastest marry.

Rituals and signs of the feast of the Protection of the Holy Virgin

In ancient times on this day people necessarily warmed their house, because it was believed that if this is not done, then it will have to freeze all winter. Even on this day, a ritual was held to protect children from various diseases. For this, the child was put on the threshold of the house and poured it over the sieve with water. To keep the heat in the house for the whole winter, the housewives baked a lot of pancakes. They also cooked the loaf for their recipe, and treated them to their neighbors and relatives. It is believed that such a rite will give wealth.

On this day, the mistress for the first time bred fire in the oven with the help of branches of fruit trees. According to the signs, such a simple rite provides a rich harvest this year and the prosperity of the family.

You can hold a ritual on the Pokrov, which will protect all family members. The mistress of the house should take in the hands of the icon of the Mother of God and stand on a chair in the center of the room. As a result, the icon should be above all family members. Children stand before the woman on their knees, and she says these words:

"As Mother Holy Queen of the Lord covers all the earth with her veil, so I will cover my children (names) from any misfortune. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".