Drainage of the pleural cavity

When draining into the pleural cavity through a small-sized incision, a special tube is inserted. This procedure is necessary for chest injuries.

Indications for drainage of the pleural cavity

The main indication for the installation of drainage is the presence of exudate, blood or pus in the pleural cavity. Help may also be required for patients who have an accumulation of air between the petals of the pleura.

In addition, indications for drainage of the pleural cavity can be considered:

Almost always the drainage of the pleural cavity is carried out with pneumothorax and hydrothorax. These problems, as a rule, can be guessed by respiratory failure or emphysema. And they appear at fractures of ribs, for example.

In some cases, the installation of drainage is required for patients who underwent surgery. The tubes remain in the sternum until the pressure is normalized and the liquid disappears completely.

Methods of drainage of the pleural cavity

Usually, the drainage tube is installed at the level of the middle axillary line in the fifth or sixth interval between the ribs. This place is chosen, firstly, because it is above the diaphragm and is safe. And secondly, on this part of the chest wall is the thinnest musculature, so drainage can be introduced faster and easier.

For the procedure, you need these tools:

The drainage site is pre-marked and treated with an antiseptic. After the puncture is performed, a tube is selected, which is sent through the tract into the thoracic cavity, closed with a seam and is additionally fixed.

In the most severe cases, even after the installation of drainage, air continues to go out too actively, can be considered the question of installing a second tube.

Complications of pleural cavity drainage

If the pleura has thickenings or splices, drainage is not so easy. Among the most severe possible complications of the procedure are the following: