Arthritis of the ankle - symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the ankle is an inflammatory-destructive lesion caused by a violation of the proportion of the load on the joint and the stability of the fibular, heel, tibial or talus bones. It can develop at any age. If you notice symptoms of arthritis of the ankle, treatment and prevention of complications should begin immediately, as the inflammatory process develops rapidly and can lead to loss of motor activity.

Symptoms of arthritis of the ankle

At the initial stage of development of arthritis of the ankle joint, only such symptoms as a feeling of restraint during dressing of shoes due to puffiness of the foot and pain at the full amplitude of flexion / extension of the leg appear. When the inflammatory foci increase in size, there are a number of common signs that are characteristic of this disease:

In rheumatoid arthritis of the ankle joint, there is also a symptom of morning stiffness - in patients after sleep, there is a feeling that tight socks are worn on the legs. Morning stiffness usually disappears 2 hours after a person rises from the bed.

Medication for arthritis of the ankle

Treatment of posttraumatic, rheumatoid and other types of arthritis of the ankle should begin with the administration of drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It can be:

To quickly remove the edema and improve microcirculation in the cartilaginous tissue for arthritis of the ankle, for the treatment of medicines such as:

Increase the tone of the veins will help with this disease only long-term use of the tablets Flebodia and Detralex or the use of Venoruton or Troxevasin ointments.

Folk methods of treatment of arthritis of the ankle

In the early stages of the disease, the treatment of arthritis of the ankle can be carried out at home using various folk remedies. Help with pain and swelling ointment with mummies.

Ointment Recipe



Mix the mummies with rose oil. Rub the resulting ointment into the ankle zone.

With severe pain and redness, it is better to do the lotion:

  1. Grate 1-2 potatoes on a grater.
  2. A little wring out the resulting gruel.
  3. Put the flesh of the potatoes on the joint and place a gauze bandage on top.
  4. After 25 minutes, remove the lotion.

Surgical treatment of arthritis of the ankle

Arthritis causes a restriction of motor activity? The disease is 3 degrees, and the joint is completely destroyed? In these cases, surgical treatment of arthritis of the ankle joint is required. Carry out such operations:

  1. Artrodes - the joint is completely immobilized artificially, retaining the remains of cartilage.
  2. Arthroplasty is the preservation of the joint by severing the articular tips, modeling new articular surfaces and placing the liner from the healthy tissues of the patient between them.
  3. Endoprosthetics - prosthetic joint with a metal, plastic or ceramic prosthesis.

After surgical treatment of posttraumatic arthritis of the ankle, the patient is prescribed magnetotherapy, massage, acupuncture and therapeutic gymnastics. This allows you to improve tissue nutrition and accelerate recovery after surgery.