Cherry during pregnancy

Not all women know about the benefits of cherries during pregnancy, so they ask the question: "Can I eat it, and what is it useful for pregnant women?".

Useful properties of cherries

This tree is quite widespread in the territory of Russia, and, perhaps, there is no such village, wherever it grows. It is rather unpretentious, therefore it decorates not only plots near private houses, but also grows along city roads.

Many pregnant women, eating cherries, simply do not know what it is useful for them, except that it delights them. It is in it contains a storehouse of vitamins necessary for the future mother and her baby. So, its constituent B vitamins perfectly normalize nervous activity, thereby helping a woman cope with early manifestations of toxicosis . In addition, the flesh of this fruit directly contains folic acid, which is so necessary for the proper laying of organs and systems in the fetus.

Vitamins E and C contained in it, give vitality and strengthen immunity, which in future will prevent possible infection with a viral infection or a common cold.

In what form is it better to use cherries pregnant?

As already mentioned above, the benefits of cherries during pregnancy are simply invaluable. Therefore, there is no particular difference - it is used fresh, as part of compote or berry juice.

So, fresh cherry juice contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, while removing excess fluid from the body and contributing to the prevention of edema development.

However strange it may sound, one can also use leaves of this tree, preparing a decoction from them, or simply adding to tea. Their antiseptic properties have long been used in the treatment of infection, localized in the urinary tract.

When freezing, cherry fruit partially lose its useful properties, so it is better to use them in fresh form when pregnant. It is fresh fruits that contain a lot of water, and therefore they quench thirst and give energy. But if there is winter in the yard, and there are simply no fresh berries, then during pregnancy you can use summer preparations - compotes, jams, cherries from cherries.

In what cases pregnant women can not eat cherries?

Due to the fact that some women may have contraindications associated with the course of pregnancy, there is a cherry during pregnancy not all future mothers, i.e. there are a number of limitations.

So, this berry is best excluded from the diet of patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as women who have problems with the digestive system - stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. The organic acids present in the cherry in a huge concentration can only contribute to exacerbation of these pathologies.

Very rarely, but there are allergic reactions as a result of the use of cherries. In such cases, it is excluded from the diet.

How often can you eat cherries pregnant?

Before every day to eat cherries, every woman should be convinced of the absence of an allergic reaction. The fact is that in the body of the future mother there are countless changes and those products that she previously consumed in almost unlimited quantities can cause allergy. Therefore, it is best to first eat 5-7 berries and wait 1-2 days. If no changes are observed on the surface of the skin, a woman can safely use this berry.

Thus, there is almost no doubt that cherry is useful during pregnancy. However, it should be borne in mind that this does not mean that a woman can consume it in large quantities. It is best when this berry will make up only a small part of the future mother's diet, filling it with vitamins and nutrients, which the body is exhausted with a toxicosis.