After childbirth, there are no monthly

Pregnant women are preparing not only for childbirth, but also for the postpartum period. They are interested in the peculiarities of caring for a newborn, watching their diet, are engaged in bringing themselves into a physical form. One of the questions that interests them, how much time is there is no monthly after the birth in the norm. Of course, it is obvious that because of hormonal changes they do not come at once, but through what interval you should expect a new menstruation - I want to know.

Features of the recovery of the menstrual cycle

To give an exact answer when the cycle comes back to normal is impossible, since all this is individual. First of all, it directly depends on whether the newborn is breastfed or not. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation, naturally inhibits the process of ovulation. This explains the fact why there are no menstruation after childbirth. This phenomenon was called lactational amenorrhea .

But there are other nuances that you need to know:

Other causes of prolonged absence of menstruation

In addition to the factors explaining that after giving birth for a long time there are no monthly ones, there are conditions and pathologies that can also lead to cycle delay:

If the monthly did not come after weaning the crumbs from the chest for several months, the best option would be to contact the gynecologist for advice and resolution of the issue, taking into account individual characteristics.