Gastric ulcer - symptoms, treatment

Gastric ulcer is a chronic disease, and its distinctive feature is seasonal exacerbations. During periods of exacerbations, severe pain in the stomach area is felt, the chair is broken, frequent heartburn occurs.

Medicamentous treatment of gastric ulcer

In addition to preventive courses during remission, at the stage of exacerbation of gastric ulcers, the treatment is performed in the form of active drug therapy. As a rule, medicines of several types of directional action are used:

Histamine blockers can reduce gastric secretion, thereby reducing the effect of gastric juice on the ulcerous mucosa. The most effective drugs are considered to be the third generation, which have a minimal amount of side effects: gastrosedin, famotidine, topsid, squam.

Of the drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid by alkaline exposure, the most popular are maalox, almagel, phosphalugel, gastrogel, vicair, almol, vikalin. These drugs are also recommended during periods of remission to reduce acidity in the stomach, during frequent manifestations of heartburn and improve digestion. Preparations of this group have another additional property that allows to accelerate the process of ulcer healing - they create a layer of mucus on the walls of the stomach due to aluminum components.

Antibiotics prescribe if the cause of gastric ulcer is Helicobacter. These drugs should have increased resistance in an acidic environment. Among the most famous are amoxicillin, clarithromycin, metronidazole.

Diet in the treatment of stomach ulcers

Nutrition during the treatment of stomach ulcers is of great importance. There are several curative diets that allow to minimize the effects of peptic ulcer, and also create conditions for effective treatment. The basis of the diet for the treatment of stomach ulcers is the use of small portions of food 6 times a day. Food should not irritate the gastric mucosa, so sharp and acidic foods are excluded. It is better to eat grated dishes or boiled porridges. Therapeutic diet for gastric ulcer excludes:

Therapeutic diet includes:

Treatment of gastric ulcers with herbs

In addition to medicines and medical nutrition, the herbs will help to speed recovery. Although, it is rather an auxiliary method of treatment of stomach ulcers. Broths and tinctures, tested by our ancestors have a fairly big influence on the course of treatment of stomach ulcers. The purpose of using herbal dues for ulcer is to calm irritated mucous, achieve anti-inflammatory effect, healing effect. Here is one of the best herbal collections, possessing all these properties: a leaf of a birch, color of a calendula, a bucket, a clover, a yarrow, a leaf of a dandelion, a letter, a camomile.

Modern methods of treatment of stomach ulcers

Modern medicine offers new opportunities for faster and more effective recovery. Sometimes they allow to avoid even surgical treatment of stomach ulcers. But do not forget that in some cases, for example, with a perforated ulcer, the operation is vital. Among modern methods of popularity is gaining treatment of gastric ulcer with a laser. This is the effect of the laser beam with an endoscope directly on the ulcer. With this treatment, recovery is much faster (3-4 times) than with drug treatment of ulcers.

Another is far from fast, but continues to develop a method of treating stomach ulcers - homeopathy. It should be used during the remission period, since such treatment is designed for a long period of time. The homeopath physician selects medicines individually for each ulcer case, having full information about the causes of the disease, the degree of its severity and development.