Thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs - treatment

Inflammation of the venous wall in combination with the formed thrombus is very dangerous, since it has serious consequences. Therefore, thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities must be treated on time - treatment usually takes a long time and in the late stages of the disease may not be effective enough. In such cases, surgical intervention is required.

Acute thrombophlebitis of the lower limbs - treatment

Therapy is selected for each patient strictly individually, depending on the degree of venous damage, the location of thrombi, the type of disease, the general condition of the body and the presence of complications.

The conservative method includes a number of measures aimed at the immediate removal of inflammation, reducing the viscosity and coagulability of the blood, restoring its normal current through the vessels.

Here's how to treat thrombophlebitis:

Drugs for thrombophlebitis

During conservative therapy, it is recommended to combine non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics, disaggregants and phlebotonics. The most important are the blood thinning medications with thrombophlebitis, since their effectiveness depends on the rate of resorption of thrombus and the restoration of normal blood flow.

Among them the most effective:

As anti-inflammatory agents, diclofenac, orthophen, nimesulide, voltaren, ibuprofen and its derivatives are usually prescribed.

For additional therapy of venous insufficiency, detralex, normoven and phlebodia are very effective.

In addition, in the treatment of thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities, ointments and gels are used:

How to treat thrombophlebitis in an operative way?

This radical way to get rid of the disease best prevents future relapses, and also helps to avoid complications. The operation is quite simple, it consists in cutting the wall of the affected vein and carefully removing the thrombus with the removal of all blood clots, after which the vessel is sewn.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis in the home

Among the recipes of traditional medicine, several effective remedies for eliminating unpleasant symptoms of the disease are suggested. It is important to remember that they must be used together with preparations of a conservative treatment regimen and must be coordinated with a physician-phlebologist.

Trimming with Kalanchoe:

  1. Wash and finely chop the fresh leaves of this plant.
  2. Fill any clean glass container with half the raw material.
  3. The remaining volume of dishes should be filled with vodka (only good quality) or self-prepared alcohol solution.
  4. Leave for a week in a dark place, carefully shaking the contents of the container every day.
  5. In the evening, for 4 months (at least) rub the limbs, from the feet and to the knees.

Compress from cabbage:

  1. Fresh large leaves of white cabbage in fresh form are washed, slightly pounded with their fist so that they let the juice and become soft.
  2. Lubricate one of the surfaces with natural, better unrefined, vegetable oil.
  3. Apply the product to the affected area with protruding veins, from above to insulate with a dense tissue, for example, linen.
  4. Leave the compress for 2-3 hours, treated for at least 30 days.