Lumbosacral radiculitis is the most effective treatment

People who have reached the age of 35 years, often face such a symptom as severe acute pain in the lower back. Radiculitis in the lumbosacral region quickly acquires a chronic form with recurrent relapses. Completely cure pathology is difficult, but it is quite possible to control and to stop it.

What is the sciatica of the lumbosacral spine?

Sensations are signals of the peripheral nervous system, transformed by the brain. If there is any damage in it, a person feels pain. Radiculitis of the lumbar region is the result of squeezing or infringing the roots of nerve fibers located in the lower part of the spine. Due to mechanical damage, they can become inflamed, which leads to a significant limitation of mobility and flexibility of the back.

Discogenic lumbosacral radiculitis

This form of the disease is also called spondylogic, it develops against the background of degenerative changes in vertebral structures. Lumbosacral radiculitis begins with thinning, loss of elasticity, abrasion of intervertebral discs. When their fibrous membrane collapses completely, a pulpous gel-like nucleus extends into the free space. It irritates the roots of the spinal nerves in the lumbosacral region, provoking discogenic radiculitis. With the progression of protrusion and hernia, the severity of the disease and the severity of the pain syndrome increase.

Vertebrogenic lumbosacral radiculitis

The pathology described is often a sign of other dystrophic or degenerative ailments. Chronic vertebrogenic lumbosacral radiculitis accompanies osteochondrosis and osteophyte growth. Nerve root compression is due to structural disorders and the functioning of vertebral bodies. Such a radiculitis can be combined with protrusion of the discs in the lumbosacral region. In these cases, a mixed disease is diagnosed.

Lumbar sciatica - symptoms

The main clinical manifestation of this problem is pronounced pain syndrome. Lumbosacral sciatica is accompanied by several kinds of unpleasant sensations:

Because of pain, the following signs of sciatica in women and men are observed:

For correct diagnosis of radiculitis, several specific tests in the lumbosacral region should be carried out, ensuring the detection of clinical manifestations peculiar only to this syndrome. The presence of a complete complex of such signs indicates an acute stage of progression of radiculitis, intensive damage to the roots of the spinal nerves.

Symptom Bechterew

To check the indicated phenomenon it is required to lie on a horizontal surface (back), relax for 2-3 minutes, and then take a sitting position. The clinical symptom of the lumbosacral radiculitis according to Bechterew is the involuntary bending of the leg at this moment. The reflex arises from the side where the nerve with the restrained root passes.

Symptom of Dejerine

This phenomenon is associated with the effect of muscle contractility on the state of the spinal nerves. Diagnosing chronic lumbosacral radiculitis, the doctor may ask the patient to cough. According to Dejerine's research, the pain syndrome under this action will increase dramatically due to instantaneous muscle tension. Similarly, lumbosacral radiculitis becomes more pronounced at the time of sneezing, bowel movement, especially if one has to push.

Lacega's tension symptom

The detection of the presented symptom begins with taking a lying position (on the back). If the true sciatica of the sacro-lumbar region progresses, then when the straight leg is raised, even slowly, a very sharp, piercing pain occurs in the gluteal region and just above it. The phenomenon is observed only from the side of the affected nerve root.

Symptom Bonnet

The prolonged course of the lumbosacral radiculitis is associated with a strong restriction of mobility. Because of this, the muscles gradually lose the ability to contract, their hypotension and atrophy are noted. The characteristic features of lumbar sciatica - the absolute disappearance or strongly noticeable smoothing of the fold under one buttock, their asymmetry. The symptom is diagnosed on the damaged half, the second muscle stays in normal condition.

How to treat lumbosacral radiculitis?

Therapy of the described disease is developed in accordance with its severity and specific course (chronic or acute). It is important to find out in advance why the lumbosacral radiculitis has begun - the treatment should take into account the causes of pinching or squeezing of the nerve roots. At early stages of relapse of pathology it is recommended:

Effectively to suppress lumbosacral radiculitis help:

Ointments for lumbar sciatica

The agents for external application are effective only at low discomfort or moderate pain. Local treatment with radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine is prescribed as a supplement to the administration of systemic drugs. Any ointments, creams or gels just block the transmission of nerve pain impulses to the brain, but do not affect the underlying cause of the disease.

For the removal of inflammation with radiculitis and temporary anesthesia of the lumbosacral area, neuropathologists are advised to use the following external medicines:

These local medicines relieve lumbosacral radiculitis, producing irritating, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and warming effects. They provide relaxation of tense muscles, which slightly reduces the force of squeezing the roots of the spinal nerves. Use external agents preferably in combination with oral medications.

Tablets from lumbar sciatica

With this diagnosis, two types of systemic medicines are prescribed. For rapid relief of pain with radiculitis, anesthetics with anti-inflammatory properties are used:

In addition, the treatment of lumbosacral radiculitis in the acute stage requires the use of medications with a relaxing effect, muscle relaxants:

Physiotherapy with lumbosacral radiculitis

Special gymnastics helps to reduce the severity of stagnant phenomena in the tissues of the spine, improve metabolic processes and blood circulation. Any exercises with radiculitis of the lumbosacral spine should be developed by a qualified doctor. Only the doctor will be able to designate the optimal complex, the following parameters were taken into account when compiling it:

Exercise for lumbosacral radiculitis is performed exclusively outside the relapse, when the pain is almost absent, and the body does not have inflammatory processes. If you engage in gymnastics during an exacerbation, or do improperly chosen exercises, the risk of strengthening the squeezing of the damaged nerve root and worsening of well-being increases.

Massage with lumbosacral radiculitis

Therapy by manual exposure is also prescribed only in the remission stage or in the latent course of chronic pathology. When choosing the type of massage, it is first determined which form of the disease develops: vertebrogenic or discogenic lumbosacral radiculitis - treatment and areas of local influence depend on the factors provoking the infringement of nerve structures. Manual therapy is carried out exclusively by a professional, home procedures can only do harm.

Correct massing with radiculitis in the lumbosacral region produces the following positive effects:

A competent specialist adheres to special rules of manipulation in the treatment of radiculitis:

  1. All movements during the massage of the lumbosacral zone do not cause unpleasant sensations to a person. Used techniques such as stroking, kneading and rubbing, without strong pressure.
  2. The duration of the session is from 8 to 25 minutes. Too long manual therapy with radiculitis is dangerous.
  3. The patient should be in a horizontal position. Massage in a standing or sitting position is inadmissible in this situation.

Lumbosacral radiculitis - treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers several options for the management of pain syndrome. Such methods only facilitate lumbar radiculitis - it is recommended to treat folk remedies in combination with medical and physiological therapy. The easiest way to improve your well-being is a compress made from burdock leaves. Fresh raw materials need to be washed and slightly soaked, then applied to the lower back with "the wrong side" and tied with a warm cloth.

The recipe for analgesic rubbing with lumbosacral radiculitis


Preparation, use

  1. Wash and grind the vegetable base well.
  2. Put the gruel into a glass container (sterilized), pour with strong alcohol and cork.
  3. Infuse the drug for 2 weeks, monitoring that it is not affected by ultraviolet and cold air. Every day, shake the solution intensively. With the medicine, gently rub your lower back when you feel pain.

The recipe for an anesthetic lotion from sciatica in the sacral and lumbar region


Preparation, use

  1. Herbal raw materials should be cleaned and rinsed.
  2. Grind the roots, you can use a blender or a meat grinder.
  3. Boil water, put in it a prepared base.
  4. Put the mixture on the steam bath for 25-35 minutes.
  5. After this, leave the solution for 0.5 days, covering it with a dense lid.
  6. When the product settles, strain it and pour it into another clean dish. Use liquid for rubbing or lotion.

Still have analgesic effect with radiculitis in the lumbosacral section of a special bath. Approximately 60 g of horseradish roots should be crushed and put in a rag pouch or just a corner from the pillowcase. This piece is lowered into a bathroom filled with warm water (about 36.5-37.5 degrees). The procedure is performed before bedtime, at night, places affected by radiculitis, you need to cover your back with a warm kerchief or blanket.