Dandelion soup

Dishes from dandelions are considered rare, they are not found in the daily menu of the average family. In view of its extravagance and unusualness, this dish is often underestimated, and we restore justice by collecting recipes for the most delicious soup of dandelions.

Dandelion soup - recipe



All carefully sorted, washed and dried dandelion greens, except for a couple of leaves intended for decoration, we put in a saucepan with boiling water and blanch for half a minute. Let the excess fluid drain off and whisk the greens with a blender.

In the saucepan warm up the mixture of two types of oils and we pass on it thin rings of white onions for 3 minutes. After the time is over, pour the onions with broth, milk and cream, season everything to taste and add flour. It is the turn of the dandified dandelions. we introduce them into the milk broth in portions, stirring constantly. After boiling, piquant soup of dandelions can only be flavored with lemon juice and served to a table with sour cream, sprinkled with pre-laid dandelion greens.

How to cook bean soup from dandelions?



On the heated oil, we pass the shallow rings for 4 minutes, then we lay the cauliflower disassembled on the inflorescence and prepare everything for another 7 minutes. When the contents of the frying pan softens, we complement the dish with garlic paste, wait another minute and fill it with broth. After boiling the broth, cook the soup for 10 minutes, add the beans mashed into the paste and dandelion greens. We give the dish to stand without fire for 10 minutes, lay the avocado pulp and we rub everything with a blender. To make the soup more homogeneous, after blending with a blender it is desirable to wipe it through a sieve.

Serve a useful green soup with sour cream, cream or yourself.