Jam from lemons

Now we will tell you how to make jam from lemons. It comes out unusually tasty and fragrant. We hope that from the above recipes, you will find an option for yourself.

The recipe for jam from lemons



Lemons are washed under running water, dried and cut in half. Bones are removed, and the flesh, along with the skin, is cut into small segments. We put them in a saucepan, add water and after boiling cook on a small fire for about 5 minutes. After this, the resulting liquid is filtered, and the pulp is returned to the pan again, add 1 liter of water, a pinch of salt and, stirring, bring to a boil. Now jam can be removed from the fire. And his readiness is easily verified in this way: pour a teaspoon on a saucer and put it for 5 minutes in the freezer, if the jam is ready, it will completely solidify. Otherwise, it still needs to boil. But pay attention, it's impossible to cook this jam for more than half an hour, otherwise the sugar will turn into caramel . Ready jam from lemons with a peel is poured on sterile banks, we roll up them and we send on storage.

Jam from mint and lemon



Pepper finely chopped. From one lemon squeeze the juice, the second cut into small pieces and add to the mint, pour the mixture with water and cook on a small fire for 10 minutes. After that, we set aside the mass for a day. Then we filter it, add sugar and grated zest of 1 lemon to the liquid, cook on low heat for about 1 hour. Ready jam spill on sterile jars and roll.

Jam with apples and lemon



Cut apples into slices, add sugar and leave overnight. We pass the lemons through the meat grinder and add to the apples. Boil the mass on a small fire for 5-7 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. After that, jam can be poured over cans and rolled up.

Jam from pears and lemons



Slightly underserved pears are peeled from the peel and seeds, cut into slices. In the saucepan pour a layer of sugar, put a layer of pears, pour lemon juice, again sugar-pear-lemon juice and so until the ingredients run out. For a day, we put aside the pan with the future jam aside. Then merge the resulting juice, boil it, remove the foam, and put pears in it, cook on low heat until cooked.

Fans of this delicacy will also like a jam of oranges and lemons for simple recipes on our website.