How to salt Volga herring in the home?

The Volga herring, or as it is also called a hall, is somewhat different both in appearance and taste from its overseas counterparts. Therefore, even with salting, you need to approach this type of fish individually, choosing the ideal recipe.

We offer several recommendations on the processing of the Volga herring and the variation of its salting at home.

How to salt a Volga herring in the home - recipe



Coming to the salting of the Volga herring, my fish, cut along the abdomen and get rid of the insides. Cut off the head and fins, and cut the carcass into three or four pieces, depending on the original size.

Boil the purified water, dissolve salt and granulated sugar in it, add laurel leaves, peppercorns and dried herbs and give the brine to brew and cool completely. Now we fill them with slices of fish, placed in an enamel or glass vessel, and leave them under room conditions for three days. After a lapse of time the Volga herrings are salted and it will be possible to try it.

How to salt the Volga herring with slices?



This recipe assumes salting fillets, obtained by evisceration from the entrails and cleaning from the bones of the Volga herring. The resulting fillets can be left entirely or cut into several pieces. We put the obtained slices in an enamel container or a glass vessel, a little podsalivaya (as in a frying pan), pritrushivaya very little sugar, and alternating with the rings of red onions. We leave the fish and onions for a while while we prepare the brine. To do this, we put water on the stove, poured sugar and salt into it, add peppercorns, laurel leaves, cloves buds and boil spicy water for five minutes. At the end, pour in the vinegar, remove the brine from the fire and leave it until completely cooled. Fill the cooled herring with a spicy liquid with herring and onions and send it to the shelf of the refrigerator under the lid for a day (not less).

This option of salting Volga herring is good because due to the vinegar contained in the marinade, possible larvae of parasites are destroyed, which are often uninvited guests in freshwater fish.

How to salt a Volga herring in the home - recipe with coriander



In this case, the Volga herring is gutted, rid of the head, tail and fins, my carcass carefully and divide along into two halves, extracting the bone in the process. Now we pour into a small plate a large non-iodized salt mixed with ground coriander and ground pepper, and in another granulated sugar. Now dipped diligently every slice of herring initially in spicy salt, and then in sugar and put in an enamel tray or pan. We leave the fish to marinate for two hours. During this time, boil the purified water with spices, adding ginger root, coriander in peas and laurel leaves. Remove the spicy liquid from the fire, add the vinegar essence to taste and let the mixture cool down.

We put herring in salt and sugar and put the herring in a jar, pour a spicy decoction of vinegar and let it stand for two hours. After a while, the liquid is drained, and we can try the herring.