Steak "New York"

Today we will talk about how to properly cook a steak at home "New York" and you, armed with knowledge, you can prepare a restaurant-level dish and feel yourself a real expert in this matter. After all, this type of steak is the most specific and requires a special approach.

The "New York" steak is prepared from the part of the cut of the animal, called striplone. This meat is more dense than from other parts of the carcass, practically does not have internal fat layers and therefore, as a rule, is prepared with blood. When roasting "more than average", the steak becomes dryish and loses its juiciness.

For the preparation of such steaks most often use a minimum of spices , but if desired, you can, nevertheless, add very few favorite spices.

Steak "New York" - recipe



Immediately before cooking, take the steaks from the package and leave them at room temperature for at least one, and preferably for two hours. Then grease the meat slices with olive oil and let it stand for another ten to fifteen minutes. Warm up the frying pan until white smoke appears and put the meat into it. We sustain them for three minutes on each side, turning every minute. Fry steaks also on the sides, holding them with forceps, and take them out to the grate. Season them with salt, ground black pepper and serve for three to five minutes to the table. You can serve any sauce with a steak, but the ideal option is creamy-peppery.

How to cook a steak "New York" with rosemary and thyme - a recipe?



We take the steaks from the package and leave them at room temperature for at least one hour. Then smear the surface of the steaks with vegetable oil and put them on a well-heated grill pan. We hold the steaks first for one minute on each side on a strong fire, then reduce the intensity of heat and fry for another three minutes on each side, turning them around every minute. At the end of the preparation, we lay the peeled and crushed garlic cloves, rosemary and thyme sprigs and we stand in the frying pan with the meat for another minute, watering the steaks with a fragrant liquid.

Then take the steaks on the grate, season with salt, ground black pepper and leave for a few minutes, so that the meat is slightly cooled and the juices inside are evenly redistributed.

We serve steaks with fresh vegetables and favorite sauce.