Lymphatic drainage foot massage

Our legs are regularly subjected to heavy loads. Stress, bad habits, long walking or, conversely, being in a sitting position - all this leads to the formation of blockage of the blood and lymphatic drainage systems. Swelling, a feeling of constant weight in the legs, cellulite - this is due to a decrease in the outflow of lymph and the withdrawal of metabolic products from the intercellular space.

Lymph drainage foot massage

This type of massage is mainly carried out in cosmetology and fitness centers. There are several types of hardware lymphodrainage foot massage.


This kind of massage is made in a special suit (pants and jacket). To carry out the procedure, the client puts on a suit, takes a comfortable position for him. The period of massage lasts for 20-40 minutes and during it pneumatic chambers are injected with air, which creates an alternating wave-like effect of vacuum and pressure. The result of pressotherapy is the expansion of the vessels for lymph drainage and active blood supply to problem areas. Accelerates the process of fat expansion and improves the nutrition of tissues. Even after the first procedure, you can see a small loss of volume, due to the removal of puffiness, and the appearance of a sense of ease.

Vacuum lymph drainage foot massage

This procedure is carried out with the help of special nozzles for the apparatus creating a negative pressure. Massage can be as stable (with holding the nozzle in one place for 2-4 seconds), and labile (attachments move on massage lines without stopping). Before the procedure begins, the surface of the legs is treated with a special oil or gel, to easily slide the nozzle and achieve a better effect.


It is one of the latest innovations in the technique of performing lymphodrainage foot massage. With this technique of hardware massage, the impulse electric current is transmitted by means of rubber linings, and will allow to reach deeper layers of muscles. Variable supply of current stimulates their periodic reduction, and this perfectly stimulates the work of the lymphatic drainage system.

Manual lymph drainage foot massage

Despite the development of special devices and devices for massage, manual massage is considered the best and most effective because of the individual approach to each person. Manual lymphatic drainage massage, as a rule, is applied on the whole body and activates the lymph drainage system as a whole. But anti-cellulite foot massage also uses lymphatic drainage technology.

Such massage consists of a complex of relaxing, stroking and patting movements replaced by elaboration of deeper layers of muscles and lymphatic collectors. To achieve a better effect, essential oils of rosemary, grapefruit, lemon, and orange are used. Manual lymph drainage massage is done every other day for 4-5 weeks to achieve a lasting effect and lasts for 1-1.5 hours.

Contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage

Like any medical or cosmetic procedure, lymphatic drainage massage has its contraindications:

Lymph drainage foot massage for varicose veins

There is a well-established opinion that with varicose veins , mechanical effects on the vessels of the legs are contraindicated. But, as practice shows, limfodrenazhny foot massage, conducted by a specialist, the most effective treatment of this disease is carried out in conjunction with other physiotherapy (exercise therapy and acupuncture). The massage can not give a full cure for varicose veins, but it guarantees the removal of pain and swelling.