Laser removal of stretch marks

Striae , in fact, are scars after a sharp stretching of the skin. They are very difficult to treat, as they affect not only the surface (epidermis), but also the deeper layers. An effective technology for getting rid of this problem is laser removal of stretch marks. It allows you to significantly reduce the severity of the striae, improve skin tone and elasticity.

Laser removal of stretch marks and striae

The mechanism of action of the procedure under consideration is a kind of grinding (local). The laser beam penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis precisely in the area of ​​damage, creating a controlled burn. Thus, the dead cells are evaporated, and the healthy cells remain untouched. As a result of this intense exposure, the skin begins to regenerate faster, becomes smoother and smoother, as the processes of intensifying the production of elastin and collagen fibers are started.

The strength of the beam and the depth of its penetration are selected by specialists individually, depending on the degree of skin damage, the vastness of areas with striae.

Laser removal of stretch marks is possible on the chest and stomach, thighs, buttocks. The results from the procedure are visible after the first session.

The event does not cause pain, the sensations are described as unpleasant, tingling with a needle. After removing stretch marks, the skin remains slightly edematous for 2-3 days, this symptom passes by itself. In addition, the burning will occur, disappearing within a few hours.

For a noticeable effect, substantial skin smoothing, no more than 5 procedures are required. The interval between visits to the cabin is 3-4 weeks. After a full course of laser exposure, the skin becomes smooth, becomes elastic and more elastic, stria are practically invisible, even at the edges. To maintain the results obtained it is important to adhere to the recommendations of specialists, carefully moisturize and nourish the dermis in problem areas, to avoid excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Removing old stretch marks

Striae, which have appeared long ago and have not been treated for years, are difficult to eliminate by the method examined. In this case, classical laser resurfacing (neodymium laser) is better suited. This procedure is more painful, since it involves evaporation of the entire surface of the skin near the stretch, including a healthy tissue, and not a local effect.