How quickly to sunbathe in the sun?

Even a beautiful tan is the dream of many women, because it makes the skin defects less noticeable, and the figure looks slimmer, so you can feel more attractive and desirable. During summer vacations, tanning becomes more accessible, especially if you have the opportunity to relax outside the city near a pond.

Unfortunately, not everyone and not always have enough time to get a seductive bronze tan without harm to the skin. However, a quick way to sunbathe in the sun exists, and for this it is not necessary to use expensive creams-activators, but only to observe a number of simple recommendations and apply available means. How can you very quickly and beautifully tan in the sun without creams, using folk remedies, we will consider further.

How to properly and quickly sunbathe in the sun?

As is known, the golden tanning of the skin is acquired by activating the production of pigment melanin under the influence of sunlight. It takes some time to produce melanin, so it's impossible to get sunburn in one day, and if this pigment is not developed enough, the risk of getting sunburn increases. Stimulate the production of melanin by eating foods that contain certain amino acids, enzymes and vitamins involved in the processes of its synthesis. Such products include:

Thus, to help the skin quickly tan, you should adjust your diet in advance by adding the above products in more quantity. At the same time, it is necessary to refuse from products that on the contrary reduce the level of melanin:

An important moment for obtaining a beautiful and quick tan is the preparation of the skin. Namely, it should be thoroughly cleaned of contaminants and keratinized cells that interfere with the penetration of ultraviolet rays. To do this, 2-3 days before sunbathing, it is recommended to do peeling, for which you can use home scrubs recipes based on ground coffee, sugar, salt, apricot kernels, etc. After applying the scrub, the skin should be moistened with creams.

In order not to reduce all intentions to get a beautiful tan to zero, it is especially necessary to control the length of stay under the open sun on the first day of rest. To begin with, enough to sunbathe only 10-20 minutes, and in the following days, gradually increase the time spent on the beach. It should be noted that the best way to tan is "lying down", if you are in motion, so it is very useful for those who want to quickly and evenly tan beach volleyball. It is also important to comply with these rules:

  1. Refuse to use cosmetics on the beach.
  2. Do not be exposed to sunlight from 11 to 16 hours.
  3. To consume a lot of liquid on the beach (better than pure still water).

Every time after staying on the beach it is recommended to take a cool shower and apply a moisturizer to your skin.

And finally, we will cite several folk remedies that will help you quickly find a luxurious tan:

  1. Strong chilled coffee - they should wipe the skin twice a day with a large cotton swab.
  2. Olive oil with iodine (to 100 ml of oil add 5 drops of iodine) - lubricate this mixture with the skin before going to the beach.
  3. Carrot juice , combined with a small amount of olive oil - this product should be applied evenly to the skin before bedtime to enhance the intensity of sunburn.