Blue clay against cellulite

Cellulite is a nonaesthetic and very unpleasant phenomenon. Contrary to popular belief, it is not a cosmetic defect, but a disease that must be treated. Cellulitis occurs because of insufficient intake of oxygen to the cells of the skin and metabolic disorders.

As is known, clay is rich in various microelements and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the skin and promote its renewal. Blue clay is especially effective in the fight against cellulite, as it has a wide range of substances that contribute to the splitting of fatty deposits.

Blue clay against cellulite in the form of a mask

For cooking you will need:

  1. Natural blue clay.
  2. Boiled or mineral water.
  3. Food or cosmetic film.
  4. Non-metallic dishes.


To obtain sustainable results, the mask of blue clay from cellulite should be applied at least 2 times a week. The best effect of the procedure can be obtained by adding a few drops of essential oils to the mixture with similar properties:

If the skin is sensitive, oils can not be used in its pure form. They must first be mixed with a nutritive base oil, for example, olive oil.

Wrapping blue clay against cellulite

For the procedure it is necessary:

  1. Mineral still water.
  2. Blue clay.
  3. Plastic or ceramic container.
  4. Liquid natural floral honey.
  5. Homemade cream of high fat content.
  6. Essential oil of orange.
  7. Cosmetic film.


The effect will be noticeable after the third wrap, but for a lasting result, 10-14 procedures are necessary.