Getting Rid of Cellulite

Cellulite is a common cosmetic problem. This orange crust on the skin often occurs due to malnutrition, excess weight and lack of physical activity. Getting rid of cellulite is a long and difficult process. But, using several methods to solve this problem, you can completely remove even obvious defects from it in just a few weeks.

Proper nutrition

If you want to get rid of the orange peel as quickly as possible, first of all you should reduce the consumption of fried foods, canned foods, smoked foods and semi-finished products. The diet should be based on vegetables, fiber, fish and lean meat.

Do not forget about the correct mode of drinking. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day. You can also use decoctions of medicinal herbs, green tea and freshly squeezed juices.

Anticellulite massage

Hand anti-cellulite massage is the best method of getting rid of cellulite at home. To make it, you need to prepare a massage oil. To do this, add 25 drops of grape seed oil or jasmine in 60 ml of any vegetable oil. These substances penetrate the skin and accelerate the process of fission of fats.

Classic hand massage includes the following stages:

  1. Rub the skin with the knuckles of clenched fists and the bases of the palms.
  2. Collect the subcutaneous layer of fat in the roller and "roll" it in different directions.
  3. Lateral surfaces of brushes make several vibrating movements.

To quickly get rid of cellulite, you can massage with cosmetic creams. The most effective of them are:

Mesotherapy and ozone therapy

Effective ways to get rid of cellulite are mesotherapy and ozone therapy. These are procedures during which special mixtures are introduced into the deep skin layers, which help the fatty deposits to split more quickly. Mesotherapy is the introduction of syringes with a thin needle of therapeutic cocktails to a depth of 3-4 mm. Cocktail very quickly absorbed by the skin, breaking cellulite capsules and improving the general condition of the skin. With ozonotherapy, an oxygen-ozone mixture is introduced. It helps to improve microcirculation and significantly activates the "burning" of fat.

Such methods of getting rid of cellulite can not be used in pregnancy and diseases, which are accompanied by blood clotting disorders.

Myostimulation and phonophoresis

Another popular means of getting rid of cellulite is myostimulation and phonophoresis. With myostimulation with the help of electrodes, which are installed on certain motor points of the skin, a deep muscle contraction is stimulated. Phonophoresis is a deep micromassage by ultrasound, which destroys the fibrous framework that surrounds cellulite cells.