Angiopathy of the retina

Due to various diseases that affect the blood vessels, angiopathy of the retina develops. This pathology leads to difficulties in inflow and outflow of biological fluids and diseases such as nearsightedness, glaucoma, dystrophy of the fundus, cataracts, significantly reduces visual acuity.

Causes of angiopathy of the retina

The ailment in question occurs on the background:

In accordance with the causes are 5 types of the disease:

It should be noted that the initial stages of the disease are well suited to therapy, except for the youthful form. There are no exact factors leading to its development, therefore, the often described violation is fraught with early blindness.

Symptoms of retinal angiopathy

Symptoms of the disease are:

In addition, the progression of angiopathy has such clinical manifestations as autoimmune pathologies with frequent exacerbations.

Treatment of retinal angiopathy

It is very important to approach the therapy process in a comprehensive way, because to eliminate the disease, consultations are needed not only with the ophthalmologist, but also with the adjacent doctors (therapist, cardiologist, neurologist and endocrinologist).

As a rule, the disease develops symmetrically, therefore simultaneous treatment of angiopathy of the retina of both eyes is required.

Therapeutic activities consist of the following:

  1. Normalization of blood pressure. Used tablets and drops, increasing or decreasing the values ​​of indicators (Raunatin, Corvalol, Barboval, Cardiomagnum, Caffeine).
  2. Improvement of blood microcirculation in blood vessels. Applied drugs such as Anthocyanus Forte, Taufon, Lutein Complex, Emoxipine, Mildronate, Trental.
  3. Compliance with a diet restricting foods containing simple digestible carbohydrates.
  4. Performing physiotherapy procedures ( magnetotherapy , acupuncture, laser therapy).
  5. Regular exercise in physical education with moderate stresses, contributing to the normalization of blood flow.

In addition, ophthalmologists often recommend using in the home, a special device - glasses Sidorenko. They combine color therapy, phonophoresis, pneumatic massage, infrasound. Daily application of glasses promotes faster restoration of blood circulation, and also restoration of sight. In the early stages of angiopathy, the severity returns in full.

In case of neglected forms of the disease, surgical intervention is sometimes required. Usually, such situations occur with a strong retinal dystrophy, a change in the fundus, a buildup of connective tissue, a high risk of blindness.