What does the name Leo mean?

The main features of the Lion are concentration and foresight. He is distinguished by his spiritual softness, nezlobiv and phlegmatic.

In translation from Greek, "Leon" means "lion".

Origin of the name Leo:

The name Leo comes from the Greek "leon" or Latin "leo" and goes back to the noblest of animals, the king of beasts.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Leo:

From early childhood, Lions are distinguished by their phlegmatic and regal calm. They are difficult to get out of themselves, they cry less often than other children and almost do not act up. Kid-Leo especially needs parental love and affection and he himself loves communication with his mother and father. To offend him is difficult, but, being upset, he cries long and inconsolably. Balanced, seldom bully, but responds promptly and does not allow to offend either himself or his friends. She studies exactly, without take-offs, but without falls.

Despite the sonorous name, because of the softness of character, Leo is not the best leader, although he can be a good organizer. He prefers to be somewhere in the middle between the boss and the performer, equally well works with people, and with technology. Within his specialty, he develops a well-developed business intuition and relies on it. He likes to work in one area and in it, as a rule, is persistent and ambitious.

Leo treats people kindly and with interest, trusting and rarely expects betrayal. Heavy experiences quarrels and scandals, it is difficult for him to believe that someone acted dishonorably with him. Unobvious, apologetically and sincerely apologizes if he offended himself. He tries to smooth out conflicts. Lions always expect people to be good and often fall into lingering melancholy, if expectations are not justified.

By nature, Leo lacks self-confidence and the ability to "growl," however, he is able to develop these qualities in himself, especially if he has reason to believe that "the sheep is worthless." Disappointed in life, Leo is heavy and terse, loses interest in communication and becomes frustrated.

Alien woes Lion is very acute, empathic and inclined to sympathize with the weak. In his help, he is unselfish and sincere, humanitarian professions are well suited to the sensitive and acute experience of someone else's misfortune. He is not arrogant and does not attach importance to the hierarchy, he seeks friendship first and foremost with bright and open people. Sometimes he is drawn to spectacular brawlers, which rarely ends for Leo well - sharp emotional upheavals lead him to illnesses and depressions.

In love relationships, he often chooses women of spectacular, sharp and impetuous, full of opposites. Relations with them usually do not last long and instead of extreme feelings are fraught with serious emotional upheaval for Leo. In bed, the Lion is calm, deep inside is insecure and always needs encouragement and support. The ideal lover of Leo is a soft and sensual woman, close to him in nature. Lion is happy in his marriage with Olga, Claudia, Anna, Victoria and Ella, but the problems in the relationship are likely to arise with Marina, Oksana and Lydia.

Families with a suitable partner at Leo are always strong and friendly, he values ​​his relationship very much. He does not change himself, and betrayal of the wife causes him serious heartache. With children, he is soft and undemanding, very fond of spending time with them and is always interested in their affairs.

Interesting facts about the name Leo:

Lions that have been born in the summer are confident and energetic, "spring" and "autumn" - friendly, persistent and intelligent, and "winter" are vain and are despotic.

Name Leo in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Leo : Lyovushka, Lesya, Levusya, Leka Levunya, Lev, Lenya

Lion - the color of the name : green, gold

Flower of the Lion : Rosehip

Lion's Stone : Emerald