What is the name of Cyril?

In the name of Cyril felt strength and firmness, even with an excess. This name rewards its bearer with a moderate, calm and cheerful character. But he faces a problem, as his anxiety begins to appear in his soul. Especially it is expressed in the adolescent period, and makes the host of this name irritable. Yes, and in the future, for his apparent calmness, you can see the willingness to "show fangs".

In translation from Greek, the name Cyril, means - "Small lord."

Origin of the name Cyril:

This name comes from the ancient Greek word "cyrilos", meaning "lord". The name is often found among the names of ancient scholars.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Cyril:

Little Kirill is interested in everything - this is a child-why. If he only learns to read how books capture all his time, he quickly reads all the books that are in the house, even dictionaries and directories interest him. Thanks to the ability to grasp everything on the fly - he remembers a lot. He knows the rules of good behavior, always uses this knowledge. Teachers and parents have no problems with it, it is often set as an example to other children. Kirill is selfish and ambitious, so his peers dislike him, considering him an upstart. He will never tell a lesson and help a classmate in solving problems, he will not let anyone write off the control.

Kirill's overestimated self-esteem, he does not know what an inferiority complex is. Loves flattery and praise. Always waiting for compliments about his appearance, clothes, knowledge. Even when choosing a companion for life, he always thinks about what others will say about her.

Cyril loves good, funny companies, although he prefers to stay a little aloof, in case he can leave at any moment, especially if a conflict begins. He does not tolerate quarrels, they leave a deep sludge in his soul. Cyril remembers the insult for a long time, therefore he will try to avoid subsequent conflicts. In public, Cyril is balanced and fully controls himself, he accumulates all the accumulated discontent at home on his relatives. But if he chooses his wife with a strong character and will be rebuffed, then all his discontent and irritation will spill out at work.

Negative feature of this name is softness and plasticity. Cyril painfully perceives conflict situations, as this affects his self-esteem. Therefore, it is very important to educate in Cyril an easy attitude to life from early childhood so that he can laugh not only over difficulties, but also on himself not only externally, but also within himself.

Cyril loves to argue, to convince him of something is not real. He does not find fault with food, he is happy to help around the house if he is asked about it. The initiative itself does not show. Revnivets. To the wife does not change, monogamous.

Cyril ambitious, everywhere seeks to be a leader, so they consider him a careerist. The owner of this name is endowed with such necessary qualities as the ability to approach any work with patience, to be independent, efficient, able to stay in the team. Cyril has all chances to achieve career growth. However, to experience this happiness, he needs to pay attention to some features of his character, the main role in which plays the name.

Cyril often leads one child. Even when a dog appears in his house, care for her falls on the shoulders of his wife. With their mother-in-law they have mutual dislike, so she will never live with her. Outwardly this is not manifested. Because he knows how to mask his feelings.


Interesting facts about the name of Cyril:

This name received the most powerful hurricane, swept over Europe in 2007, causing great damage to the inhabitants of the European continent.

Name Cyril in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name Cyril : Kiria, Kirill , Kirushka, Kirik, Kirilka

Cyril - name : dark yellow

Cyril's flower : mimosa

Cyril's Stone : Sapphire