Finger crunching

Many people have a habit of cracking their fingers, especially when a person is nervous. But not many know that this sound means from a medical point of view.

In this article, we'll look at what happens when a crunch is heard in the fingers, and whether it is harmful or not.

The structure of the fingers does not imply any sounds in any movement by them, since the interphalangeal joints consist of the heads of conjugated bones, an elastic cartilaginous tissue, which prevents the friction of the phalanges, the ligamentous apparatus, while the entire cavity of these joints is filled with synovial fluid.

The causes of the appearance of a finger crunch

Among the main influencing factors are the following:

The latter reason is mainly found only in the elderly. These diseases begin with an inflammatory reaction that destroys the cartilaginous tissue and creates swelling in the joints, so when you see it, you can see the swelling in this place, the fingers can move, any movement is accompanied by pain in the knuckles of the fingers and a crunch, and during the exacerbation there is redness.

Consequences of a crunch with your fingers

Most often, a crunch is obtained by taking the end of a finger and pulling it, pulling the phalanx away from each other or connecting the fingers of both hands, turn it in the other direction and bend it. It occurs due to the fact that gas bubbles formed in the joint burst after the pressure inside it has burst. Many specially stretch and bend their fingers so that the crunch has turned out, without thinking: whether it is harmful or not.

Doctors say yes! After all, making such movements for a long period, the destabilization of joints occurs, and this in in turn entails an increased risk of dislocation, pinching of nerve endings or provoking degenerative processes in its tissues. Also it is possible to destroy such cartilage tissue with such unnatural loads, which will lead to serious consequences in the future.

People prone to arthritis are generally not recommended to crack their fingers, as it can provoke the beginning of bone destruction.

If your fingers are stiff, do not crunch them, it's best to massage or dip them into a salty, warm water.