Sjogren's disease

Disease Sjogren's syndrome refers to autoimmune diseases that affect the connective tissue of the secreting glands - mostly salivary and lacrimal.

Like other autoimmune diseases, Sjogren's disease is of a systemic nature. It is the most common among those diseases that affect the connective tissue.

In the risk group of the disease, women occupy a special place, who suffer from Sjogren's disease 20 times more often than men. The age factor in this case practically does not matter - the disease can occur in the period from 20 to 60 years.

Causes of Sjogren's disease

Today, immunology is one of the most unexplored areas of medicine. Given that it is the autoimmune processes that trigger the development of Sjogren's disease, doctors can not yet unequivocally answer what exactly causes the disease. It is only known that T-lymphocytes and B-lymphocytes are detected in the lesion lesions during the examination. A large number of immunoglobulins is also observed. This suggests that T-superstressors are lowered, which means that B cells are activated.

On the experiments of mice, scientists found that the hereditary cause of the development of Sjogren's disease is quite probable.

Symptoms of Sjogren's disease

Sjogren's disease can have a chronic course, if it is primary - developed without the prerequisites from other diseases. There is also a secondary Sjogren's disease, and in this case it arises from a prolonged course of other diseases - arthritis, lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, etc.

The main symptom of the disease is dryness of the mucous membranes. Given that the salivary and lacrimal glands are often affected, doctors classify the symptoms into two types:

As the disease gradually develops, it can also affect other areas of the body:

In general, patients feel a general decline in strength, as well as pain in the muscles and joints.

Diagnosis of Sjogren's disease

In order to diagnose the disease, you need to use several methods:

Treatment of Sjogren's disease

Today, medicine does not have methods that can save a person from Sjogren's disease, and therefore, basically, the treatment is reduced to alleviating the symptoms.

For example, psy dry eyes are applied artificial tears - these are colorless drops, in composition similar to those of a person. And should be used several times a day to prevent dryness of the mucosa.

With the defeat of salivary glands, doctors prescribe drugs that stimulate the outflow of saliva - one of these medications is called Pilocarpine.

Corticosteroids are used in extreme cases if complications justify the risk of taking this medication.

Treatment of Sjogren's disease with folk remedies

Folk remedies are also unable to rid themselves of the disease, and can cause serious harm to the body. Therefore, they can be used only with the permission of the doctor.

There is one way that some people use to cure Sjogren's disease - injections with a raw chicken egg. It is necessary to disinfect the fresh chicken egg, and then take about 3 cubes of protein and dilute it with saline in the same amount. The mixture is injected intramuscularly into the buttocks 1 time per week for 1 month. This method can be very unsafe because of salmonella.

Before using this method, remember that without the approval of a doctor, self-medication can lead to new diseases.