Acute vascular insufficiency

Vascular insufficiency occurs against the background of circulatory disorders, both general and local. The root of the problem lies in the failure of the normal operation of the vessels. This may be preceded by a decrease in tone, a sharp increase or decrease in the amount of transported blood, a violation of patency.

Causes of acute vascular insufficiency

In fact, there are many reasons for this problem. In most cases, the blame for everything is a craniocerebral trauma. Although sometimes insufficiency occurs and against a background of some general serious damage.

In addition, acute vascular insufficiency can occur because of:

Signs of acute vascular insufficiency

Specialists distinguish three main forms of acute vascular insufficiency: syncope, collapse, shock. They determine the complexity of the problem and its symptoms.


Fainting is considered to be the easiest manifestation of insufficiency. It is characterized by nausea, accompanied by vomiting in some cases, darkening in the eyes, weakness, severe dizziness. The pressure decreases and the pulse slows down slightly. Many sweat during swooning. The attack usually lasts no longer than a few seconds, after which the person returns to normal.


When there is a collapse - a more complicated form of insufficiency - they usually remain in consciousness, but all their reactions become inhibited. The first symptom of this manifestation of the syndrome of acute vascular insufficiency is a strong concern. Subsequently, the excited state is replaced by weakness, arrhythmia, a sharp drop in pressure, and eyestrain. The pupils during the collapse are usually dilated and practically do not react to light, muscles relax, because of which the patient can remain immobile.


The most terrible and dangerous form of vascular insufficiency is a shock. The manifestations of the problem are practically no different from the symptoms of collapse, but only the consequences of it can be critical. A distinctive feature - comes a shock as a result of severe injuries and large-scale blood loss.

Fight with acute vascular insufficiency is necessary in a hospital. All that can be done before an ambulance arrives - to provide the patient with comfortable conditions.