Where does pomelo grow?

Overseas fruit of large size, relatively recently appeared on our shelves, attracts considerable attention. Unfortunately, not everyone knows where the pomelo grows and even to what family it belongs. Some believe that this fruit is a product of genetic engineering, created on the basis of grapefruits. In fact, it does not have any relation to grapefruits , since it is quite an independent species.

Undoubtedly, pomelo refers to the family of citrus fruits, like mandarin or orange. However, in its size, it all significantly exceeds them. It differs from them and to taste.

In which countries is growing pomelo?

Homeland pomelo - the south of China and the Pacific Islands in the equator. In particular, it is common in the Cook Islands. Only in the 15th century pomelo was introduced to Europe and spread to Barbados and the Caribbean islands .

If today, to track where the pomelo tree grows, you can find it in Vietnam, Indonesia, southern Japan, California, Tahiti and Israel.

Initially, in their homeland in China, this fruit was considered a symbol of prosperity, and today it is presented as a gift to bring luck and prosperity to the house. Probably, that's why the Chinese kept this fruit secret from the whole world for so long.

Fortunately, today everyone can ask for information about where the pomelo grows and when it ripens, and get the maximally detailed answer.

Where the fruit grows, we have already learned. It remains to learn about the features of its growth and maturation. So, the fruits grow on tall trees, which sometimes reach a height of 8-10 meters. On their branches grow glossy large leaves, as well as hiding internal spines. Although there are varieties and without spines.

The tree blossoms with white large flowers, and the fruits grow singly or in groups of 6-8 each, depending on the variety. Fruits are very large, weigh 2-3 kilograms each. There are giants of 10 kg.

The rind of the pomelo fruit is yellow-green, and lobules and large seeds are hidden beneath it. The smell of pomelo is just as pleasant as all the other citrus fruits. And although it looks like a grapefruit, to taste quite different - not so sweet and with a little bitterness. His skin is thick, easily separated, and inside the fruit is divided into lobules, which break into juicy, fleshy threads.

How grows pomelo at home?

Grow this exotic fruit at home - it's pretty tempting. Moreover, the event is quite real, provided it is carefully taken care of.

For cultivation, the flower growers use seeds from the fetus pomelo. When you buy a fruit in the store, choose from it the largest bones and dry them for a while in the air. Then put them in a saucer on a water-soaked napkin or cotton wool. Leave the seeds in a warm place and periodically moisten the napkin.

Sprouted seeds should be placed in a pre-prepared container with good drainage and substrate or a normal soil mixture, which can be bought at any flower shop. Groove the seeds by 1.5-2 cm, with the roots down.

Next, you need to look after the sprouts. First, the pots should stand in a warm place with scattered light. Water the plant with standing water at room temperature as the top layer of the soil dries up.

Try not to change the habitat of pomelo, because they do not like the change of lighting. Periodically spray the leaves of the plant. The first buds that have appeared will be cut off, so that the plant does not die, but at first a little strengthened.

The plant requires periodic feeding. For this, natural and mineral fertilizers are suitable. When the pot becomes cramped, you need to transplant the sapling into a more spacious container.

If you fulfill all the conditions of cultivation, carefully look after the plant, a healthy, fruit-bearing tree will grow.