How to grow seed celery from seed?

Recently, on the beds of our gardeners, you can see an increasing number of different cultures, which for our region can be considered quite exotic, well, or, in extreme cases, unconventional. Celery celery , of course, can be attributed to such vegetables. Its long stems, which have excellent taste qualities, are fried or stewed. If you are dreaming of getting an unusual crop, we will tell you how to grow celery cherry from seeds.

How to prepare celery seeds for planting?

Since the seeds of culture are growing for quite a long time, their preparation for planting is necessary, which includes the following procedures:

Sometimes gardeners are interested in why the seeds of petioled celery do not peck even after all the operations mentioned above. Most likely, you just got low-quality seeds.

How to plant celery seeds on seedlings?

In the usual climatic conditions of the middle belt, the petioled celery is grown in a seedling manner. Planting of celery seed-sliced ​​seeds is already in March in a container filled with moistened loose soil. Seeds are scattered on the surface and covered with a layer of soil no more than 5 mm. Before emergence, the container is covered with a film or glass and periodically aerated. Watering is carried out by spraying. The first shoots, by the way, can be seen in two weeks, not earlier. When the first two real leaves appear, the petioled celery can be dived into separate pots.

Growing celery celery

In how to grow celery cherubkovy, there are no difficulties. Planting seedlings produced in May after tempering it on an open balcony or terrace. Suitable site - open, sunny, windless with loose soil with excellent drainage properties. A suitable planting scheme is about 25x25 cm. For planting, trenches with a depth of about 30 cm are prepared.

Care for petioled celery implies mandatory feeding. Vegetables need nitrogen, which is enough in humus. Systematic watering is an obligatory part of care, without sufficient moisture, the taste of the vegetable becomes unpleasant and bitter. To make the stem bleached, it must be bored to the lower leaves.

Cut the crop can be as early as 12-14 weeks after planting in the open ground.