Peeling skin on the palms

Peeling skin on the palms is a very unpleasant symptom, which can occur for various reasons. To get rid of this problem is not so simple as it seems at first glance: moisturizers that save from peeling skin on other parts of the body are often powerless, and therefore one has to resort to more effective measures.

However, before eliminating the problem, it is necessary to understand why it arose, since treatment depends on this.

Peeling skin on the palms: possible causes

The most common cause of peeling of the skin of the hands is the incorrect selection of detergents. For example, if you frequently use antibacterial soap, then peeling can occur soon, as it cleanses the protective barrier - a natural skin environment that resists microbes and prevents the drying of the skin. When using antibacterial soap, it is important to find a golden mean to keep your hands clean and at the same time do not overdry them.

Another reason for the desquamation of the palms is washing dishes and cleaning with aggressive chemicals without protective gloves. There are such tools that completely corrode the skin, so you need to protect your hands.

Also to peeling of the skin, and not only on the skin of the hands, leads to avitaminosis, which most clearly manifests itself in the early spring, when after a long winter the supplies of vitamins are exhausted.

Incorrect hand care also leads to peeling: the use of special hand scrubs, the lack of nutritious and moisturizing creams contribute to the appearance of this problem.

Also, before using a cosmetic product, you need to carefully study the composition, since itching and flaky skin appear with allergies. Redness in this case may not occur, if the allergic reaction is poorly manifested. If the hand gel is hypoallergenic, this greatly reduces the risk of scaling and itching.

In rare cases, peeling on the skin of hands can indicate fungal diseases, which should be excluded after easier methods for eliminating peeling are tested.

Treatment of skin peeling

If there is itching and flaking of the skin of the hands, then an antihistamine should be taken. It should for a while remove the itching, while the peeling will remain for a longer period. At the same time, for at least a month, contact with aggressive chemicals should be removed. This can be done by using dense gloves, from the inside covered with cotton. If the antihistamine does not remove the itching, then you need to exclude the fungal disease: contact a dermatologist who will take several samples for different types of fungus.

If the day before was used antibacterial soap, and with it there is no itching, then most likely, the skin is simply over-dried. It is enough to buy a nourishing and moisturizing cream, and alternate their use.

It is desirable to stop the choice of creams of dense consistency, since they better moisturize the skin and cover them with a greasy film that lasts about half an hour.

If you are addicted to allergies, you can use a baby cream with chamomile and sage: it is especially effective if it is applied to the skin of your hands after a bath for the night.

Preventive measures

  1. When washing dishes and doing other homework, you should use gloves.
  2. Choosing a cosmetic product, you must give preference to hypoallergenic products.
  3. Regular care of hands - daily moisturizing, will reduce the risk of manifestation of peeling several times.
  4. Use of antibacterial soap should be justified and not regular.